Ever since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic MBC’s Pastoral Lead Jane Coates has been sending out a weekly email which she entitles Monday Thoughts and Prayers. Initially directed exclusively towards her team over the weeks, months and now years her audience has grown so much larger that now she has taken the decision to bind them all together in one book which she is calling Encounters and Journeys and make them available to us all.
These are beautifully written, many including songs or hymns and they range in subject matter from last Monday’s Ordinary and Extraordinary via Crumbs under the Table way back to Barnabas the Encourager.
There is a plentyful stock of these at the back of church so please help yourself. And although Jane is not charging she would if you feel so inclined like to give a donation this will be passed on to Wheatfields Hospice where Jane and Phil’s late daughter Charlotte worked.