Who would have thought that two pieces of wood, blown off a roof could cause as much commotion as it did? But that’s precisely what happened when some weeks ago now, what many of us refer to as our disco cross blew down – or to be more accurate became seperated from its base.
Almost immediately the rumours started; was it because the church was upsetting it’s neighbours, or perhaps it was its twinkly lights that sparkled from dusk to goodness knows when, or maybe simply its ever presentness that was being missed.
Anyway as your leadership team were busy WhatsApping one another having been invited to suggest both the colour and the positioning of the lights, and as the issue was even brought up in a Church Meeting Rod Russell and his trusty second in command didn’t allow any such distraction to deter them from the task in hand.
To us here at MBC the cross, of course is a symbol of our faith and our beliefs, however, to many of the thousands of others people who pass by each and every year (in a car, on a bus, on foot) and who might never dream of setting foot in a church it had become much more than that. To them whether they were aware of it or nor something was different, something they may not be able to put their finger on but they were right, what was missing was the symbol of what MBC stands for, what it projects… the love of God.
Thanks Rod for helping us all realise the message we attach to something as simple as two bits of wood which, without us even saying a word mean so very much to our outreach.