Past – Present – Future: MBC’s newspics venture helps us “chat” with our friends


Every Sunday following our Church at Home services we post on our website and on Facebook a short picture story designed to give you a flavour of what the service contained. It also of course includes the links you need to watch the whole broadcast again. 

However, one thing that has struck us is that as valuable as this is proving to be it is nevertheless something that only looks back – albeit maybe only an hour or so. That’s why starting this weekend we are broadening the scope of this post by adding to it a new feature with the working title Past – Present – Future which in plain English simply means adding the here now and next week to what’s just gone.

What do we mean? OK no one can deny that right now we are all living very different lives to those we had even a couple a months ago, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped living. For example I know of one couple who next Tuesday should be flying off to Spain for a week, obviously this isn’t going to happen but the fact that they will still be in Leeds won’t be stopping them cooking up an extra special paella and cracking open a bottle of Rioja. Some other friends are soon to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary which means that next Saturday instead of clearing the decks and firing up the barbecue they are hosting a family and friends Zoom party. But even if you haven’t had to cross a  big date from your diary how about telling us all about some of those new projects and/or hobbies you have either started or gone back to. Oh and of course you could maybe even share something about how your Home Group is meeting during the lock down, or how you yourself are staying in touch with friends.

I’ll admit that none of this is going to change the face of the world, but that’s not the idea. No, what we want is for you to share with your MBC friends and family the everyday things that you chat about at the end of a regular Sunday while drinking your coffee. 

To enable you to do this we have set up a special email account called and it’s to here that we would like you send anything (within reason) that you’d like to share.

Finally, another couple of possibilities for you to mull over. As this coming Wednesday marks the 65th anniversary of the formation of Moortown Baptist Church one suggestion to those of us that have been around a while is to think back and share some of your memories. Another might be for Spring Harvest regulars, sadly very different this year, to do the same and show and tell some of your recollections or better still, if you have been to Spring Harvest On-Line to tell us all about it.

We look forward to hearing from you. 




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