Pastoral care

As we begin this new year and consider MBC’s values and vision going forward, the Leadership Team and The Pastoral Care Team have been considering the next steps in the pastoral needs of the fellowship and how to meet those needs. The current Pastoral Care Team, established three years ago after some initial training with the Association of Christian Counsellors, have worked faithfully over this time and have established a committed and consistent base from which to build into the future. We are now looking to expand the Pastoral Care Team and to invite those people within the fellowship who may consider themselves to have gifts within this area, to speak with members of the Leadership Team, Jane Coates Pastoral Care Lead, Shelley Dring Children and Families Lead, so that we can meet as a new team for initial support, encouragement, and guidance. There are new people joining our fellowship and new requests and referrals for support coming to the Team and yet we currently have a limited capacity for connection, support, prayer support and involvement. 

There are a wide range of talents and gifts that the Team are looking for. You will certainly not be asked to commit to home visiting folk if this is not within your ability or expertise, but as a growing church we now need people who will pray with others on a Sunday morning, who can pray with people over the phone or the Confidential WhatsApp Prayer Link, who might phone someone during the week as a catch up, who may give help filling in complicated forms with someone, or who can meet up during the week and have a coffee. We need people who are ‘welcomers’, people who will spot that new person or couple and make that first important introduction, engage with them warmly from the very beginning and secure their contact details. Pastoral Care is certainly not counselling and many of us are ‘doing’ pastoral care every time we chat with someone at a home group, speak on a Sunday, give gifts, practical help, and encouragement, and offer lifts in the car. Frequently there is the simple need to be a ‘befriender.’ In many small ways we are demonstrating care, a practical concern, and the love of Jesus. Any involvement as a Pastoral Care Team member or volunteer can be on a short term or a longer-term basis and is entirely dependent on your time and availability. You will never be pressured into doing more than you are able or willing to do. 

We would love you to consider this aspect of service within MBC and explore any aspects of this role for yourself. We will be holding a Pastoral Care Meeting in February and we would love to invite you and include you in such a gathering together and so please do speak with us, contact us and express an interest in becoming involved. We  would love to have you join this essential ministry with us. We are also hoping to have some initial ‘uncover your skills’ sessions led by one of our members which will be a great start to a new venture. 

Jane Coates Pastoral Care Lead

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