Roundabout MBC, issue 2. Print edition is proving a big success

Every week, or during August every fortnight MBC’s E-Newsletter is sent out by email to almost 200 regular subscribers. However, not everyone has an email address, so in order to keep those good folk in the loop we have started collating a number of our top stories and then sending out a big print edition which we call Roundabout MBC. Issue 2 (part of which you see above) which last week was distributed either by hand or through the post to thirty people was made up of seven different articles ranging from a message from our Leadership Team and an outline of our August Church at Home programme to a snapshot of a ladies sewing group meeting up for the first time in over four months. 

The response has been really positive; for many the large print is particularly appreciated. For many of us mobile phones, e-mail, texts and social media are so much a part of our daily lives that we take them for granted, indeed for me it’s it’s sometimes hard to imagine a life before Google, Facebook and the like but amongst those who don’t have access to all these online services the print edition is proving incredibly popular. 

If you know someone who would appreciate receiving Roundabout MBC issue 3 (due out around the beginning of September) please drop their details to and we will add them to our mailing list.  

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