Dear friends
We look forward to meeting again tomorrow in the building and online at 11am for the second Sunday in Advent. We have some activities for our younger friends connected to our theme of comfort and joy. After the service Sam Joyce and helpers will be selling chocolate truffles in gift boxes of 4, 8 and 16. They will be great as gifts or to indulge yourself! He’s raising money towards a Christian Youth Leadership programme that starts next year including outdoor team activities, seminars, and worship. Sam needs to raise £140 himself so if you’d like to help as well as maybe get some gifts, then do bring some money tomorrow.
We are also collecting things for our hampers to help give out in the week before Christmas to those in our community who may need them. We are looking for things like, shower gel, chocolates, cheese biscuits, mince pies, maybe a puzzle book…anything that would be nice to receive at Christmas in a hamper.
Tonight (9th December), we have our Christmas film starting at 5.30pm, The Polar Express with hot chocolate and popcorn!
There will be Rock solid youth group tomorrow night 7-8pm
Through the week we have our usual activities (Beacon on Monday at 10-12, housegroups, craft group on Thursday 2-4pm) including a Wednesday worship on 13th December starting at 1.30pm with a Christmas theme. Stepping Stones are celebrating Christmas this week too with special activities and storytelling about the real meaning of Christmas and there maybe even a visit from Father Christmas….
Next Saturday (16th) is our wreath making workshop 1-3pm in church, £8 per person. Please book a place with Lesley or email church or let me know so that we have enough resources for each person. There are lots of sign ups already so it should be a fun afternoon of being creative together.
Next Sunday the 17th December, we have our nativity service starting at 11am. If you can do a part can you let me know this week by Wednesday night please? It won’t be too onerous and no long lines. You are never too old or young to be part of this. Anyone willing to take part, can you arrive at 10.30 next week so that we know who we have? Do bring your friends along.
Everyone else feel free to dress as your favourite nativity character or bring something to represent something in the Christmas story. We have costume at church for those who want some help with their part and we can put these on before the service.
Do pick up a Comfort and Joy Christmas Card with all the activities on and stick one up at home and why not give one to a neighbour or friend?
On Monday 18th December we have Christmas Beacon 10-12midday and Wednesday 20th December is the Christmas lunch for those in lunch club. There will be a craft group/warm space too, 2-4pm on Thursday 21st December.
On Christmas Eve we’ll be having our service at 4.30pm in the afternoon. This will be an All Age Carols and Christingles service for all to hear the Christmas story on this special night. In the last couple of years we have had many join us from our local community so it would be great to join together with them at this time. Then we meet again on Christmas Day at the slightly earlier time of 10.30am for an All Age Christmas Day service.
Many of us continue to balance the themes of comfort and joy in our lives and wonder what that means for so many in our world. Jesus, born into a dangerous world, fleeing for his life at such an early age knew all about this. Yet, as He grew, He found time to learn, to share food, to take boat trips, to go out with friends, knowing the thread of danger and death that He would face. We pray this Advent that this same Jesus will help us individually and as a community to do what we can, inspired by the Prince of Peace himself and yet know the hope that Jesus brings into our world, not just this Christmas but forevermore. If you have thought on this that you would like to share then do get in touch with me or the deacons.
In Christ