
Dear friends

Just a reminder that we are meeting again this morning at 11 in the building and online to start our new series on Ezra and Nehemiah from the bible.  We’ll sing and pray too and there will be some activities for our younger friends. 

Following the service we have our short get together about Christmas for anyone who has thoughts on what they would like to do or share.  Feel free to bring a sandwich.

Rock Solid for our young people takes place in church 7-8pm tonight. 

I have a list of the extra things that are happening over October and November that I will send out tomorrow.  Do ask if there is anything you’d like to know about or you have thoughts about.

Last week was a very full week in the life of MBC church.  We had the usual activities of Beacon café, stepping stones, bible studies and craft group but also a good church meeting to share some significant things being considered in the church.  Thank you for your prayer and involvement in that.  For those who have asked questions afterwards I am working my way through and will get back to you by this week. We will keep you updated on the new garden area, new windows and a new sound system across church. More news on how you can be involved soon but please talk to myself or a deacon if you have questions. 

Many people joined for Wednesday worship too as they considered Gods promises.  Good to remember in all that is happening that God is faithful.  Do keep praying for those who are struggling or unwell at this time in our community and your visits to them I know are much appreciated. We also thank God for answered prayers.


Today is the last day to bring your harvest gifts for the foodbank and money for Caring for life as we will be distributing them this week.  Geoff has already sent off much of the money given for Caring for life already so he may have an update for us soon.  Thank you to all those who have contributed to this on Sunday and throughout the week.

See you soon

In Christ


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