We look forward to meeting again tomorrow at 11am in the building and online where we continue to hear about God’s voice speaking to guide us. Last week we concentrated on Joseph in Matthew 2 and this week we move to Luke 3, ‘a voice in the wilderness’. It seems appropriate in a world where there are so many voices, some good and some not so good to be reminded that God has spoken and He is speaking. How do we hear it? When and where? Let’s keep talking…
Tomorrow I will not be in the building in the morning as I have a morning away but I look forward to catching up with you in the week.
News and dates….
Please do make a note, pray for the groups and chat about any of the following…I am aware that there is a lot to pray about both in our world and in our community so if you want to get together with others to pray and you feel you don’t know where to start then do get in touch.
Sunday 28th January 11am Service all together with activities in church for younger friends
Sunday 28th January 7-8pm Rock solid for youth . A younger teen and older teen group meet at the same time in the church building. Talk to Val, Martyn, Adam or Nathan for more information.
Monday 29th January 10-12midday Beacon café and warm welcome space
Tuesday 30th January 10-11.30pm Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their carers/parents/grandparents
Tuesday 30th January afternoon Housegroup in the building See Rod Russell
Wednesday 31st January Lunchclub See Rachel Beedle for details
Wednesday 31st January Housegroup in the building (and on zoom) 7.30-9.15 See Ruth or Andy Berry
Wednesday 31st January Housegroup – see Diane Sunter
Thursday 1st February Craft group and warm welcome space 2-4pm in the building, all welcome, See Karen Ross and Diane Sunter
Friday 2nd February Bible study at 10-11am in the church building See Robert and Carol Owen
Friday 2nd February 8pm housegroup See Hilary/Jonathan Darling or Steve/Helen Olejnik
Sunday 4th February Café church in the building 11-12am all welcome
Other things to know…
On Saturday 3rd February there is a New Wine Women’s Day called Reset in Huddersfield. A couple of women from Wednesday night house group (Ruth and Andy’s group) have just booked. Here are details. Best to get tickets in advance as it tends to sell out. Ask Ruth or myself for more details or click the link here Reset – New Wine Women’s Day 24 – New Wine (new-wine.org)
The next Deacons team meeting is February 6th at 7.30pm in the building and the Deacons away day with Shelley is on Friday 9th February. The 9th February date will be less operational than the Tuesday evening session, more strategic with prayer, looking at where God is leading us and how we can best support the church in this. It continues from our October away day. Connected to this is looking at leadership. We are always looking for those who have/may have the gift or calling to lead or are already leading or wanting to develop in this. Many lead in different capacities and don’t realise and need encouragement along the way. The role of deacon is part of that. An email went out this week about Deacons elections. If you didn’t get it then do email Lesley. Do talk to myself or any of the current deacons if you want to have a chat.
The next church meeting is Tuesday 27th February at 7.30pm
A couple of meet ups…
Sunday 4th February 1-2pm Meet up in church for those who lead/help with children’s work on Sunday mornings. We’ll be praying and planning a series through lent to Easter. Please let me know if you can make it. I can get lunch bits for us.
Sunday 11th February 1pm Meet up in church for those in the pastoral team with lunch provided. Talk to Jane Coates or myself. For details to come.
There are practical jobs happening around the church including the cutting down of the Ash tree as it has ‘Ash die back’. The deacons will be in touch about other things that are happening. If you notice anything or want to help with anything do contact them. You don’t need to wait for a church meeting.
In Christ