Shelley: latest news

Dear friends

Tomorrow we look forward to café church at 11-12midday so come along as we meet together in the building and online.  We’ll be looking at Acts 16:11-15, the story of Lydia and seeing how the holy spirit transformed the disciples and how the news of Jesus spread rapidly through the land, as part of our Be transformed series.  Tomorrow is designed for all ages together so there’ll be a mixture of sung worship, video, stories,art and prayer as well as pastries, fruit and drinks to share.

After the service there’s a get together in the music room for all the yellow badge prayer team to share how its going so far and to pray.

Other dates…

Beacon café is back on Monday 5th June from 10-12midday

Deacons and Shelley meeting on Tuesday night on zoom

Most housegroups are back next week.  Do ask me or a deacon if you need any information

Stepping Stones Toddler group for under 5’s and their carers is back on Tuesday 10-11.30 in the building

Lunch club meets again on Wednesday

On Thursday, craft group/warm welcome space takes place in the building 2-4pm

There will be no ‘bible in a year’ group on Thursday next week

8th July – 10-1.30pm Self /wellbeing session at church.  More details from Jane Coates and Mandy Russell.  A relaxed sessions designed for all those who support others.

Saturday 22nd July – Day of Prayer.  Its in the planning stages so do chat to Krys Gadd if you are interested in supporting in words or music or art or anything else…

Saturday 7th October 10-1.30pm Loss, Grief and bereavement course led by Care for the family in the building for all those who feel that the course would help them to support others going through loss. Do let Jane Coates know if you would like to come as places are limited and a trainer from Care for the family has been booked.

In other news…

The Yorkshire Baptist Association are looking for a part time administrator based in Leeds City Centre.  If you are interested please email Debbie Gamble at  more information at Yorkshire Baptist Association | Seeking a new Administrator (

As supporters of Caring for Life (particularly at harvest time but I know many of you support throughout the year) you are invited to their supporters day on Saturday 8th July. Click HERE to view the Supporters Day flier with details about the day and how to get access passes.

Individual and family access passes are essential for entry and can be obtained (June onwards) from the Caring for Life office 0113 2303600 , via  

Thanks to some of our volunteers who have been working on the tech side of the digital hub this week.  We are still waiting for some of the equipment to arrive but you did a great job looking at where we need wifi and how its been installed in the past and how we can put the new equipment in to make it better in the future for all.  We’ll soon have a guest log in for you to use when you are in the building…more news to come.

More work has gone on this week in terms of mending the base and the cross for the roof.  Thanks to Rod and others for working on this over the last few weeks.

This week is National Volunteers Week and we are thankful for the ‘body’ of people who are the church following God’s call here in Moortown.  Many may not call yourselves volunteers, it’s what you do as a Christian but it’s a good opportunity to say a big thank you to you all.  As it says in the bible, the church is the ‘ekklesia’, referring to the ‘called out ones’ in Greek.  So thank you to you all for praying, encouraging, serving, discipling, visiting, leading worship, administration, teaching and all the many other things done to support others of all ages as we pray “Let your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven” Amen

I had a couple of days away at the beginning of this week and the second half of the week was pretty busy with church things so if you messaged and haven’t had a full reply then I will get back to you in the next few days.  As ever If you have anything you want to share, pray, chat about do get in touch and I will get back over the course of next week.   

In Christ


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