Shelley… the next few weeks, MBC’s 70th birthday and of course Easter

Dear friends

It was good to come together this last weekend.  If you missed the Sunday service it is available on our YouTube channel, just type Moortown Baptist Church into YouTube.  Thanks to the team that made this possible.  Following on from Sunday, if you feel you want to talk about baptism, membership or anything else at MBC do get in touch with me or a deacon.


There are a number of opportunities for focused prayer across the UK right now.   A couple of weeks ago we joined with Gather25, highlights are available here Watch the Gather25 Livestream.  This Thursday 27th March, Baptists Together are holding a day of prayer and fasting facilitated by the Fresh Streams team.  There will be three focused online sessions throughout the day.  Details are here The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Fresh Streams calls Baptists Together to a day of prayer and fasting It’s ‘a time to come together to seek God’s presence and power for mission, discipleship and renewal in our communities’. 

Closer to home we have a lent prayer group on WhatsApp at 9pm Sunday, Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays, if you want to join the prayer for half an hour ask Mandy. Krys or Adam.

We are thankful for all of you who pray individually and in groups and with those who come through our doors whether it be Sundays or Mondays or Thursdays…

Some people at MBC have raised to our attention the day of prayer for the law on assisted dying on 25th March 2025.  If you want more information about what the day of prayer is about then have a look at  National Day of Prayer against assisted suicide – Evangelical Alliance and   There is an opportunity to join CARE online tomorrow and pray with others.

This week

There are house groups and bible studies on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, Thursday evening, Friday morning and Friday evening.  Wednesday evening bible study group in church is not meeting this week.  Do get in touch with me, Lesley or group leaders for more information.

Monday 24th March Beacon warm welcome café 10-12 in the building

Tuesday 25th March 10-11.30 Stepping stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers.

Tuesday 25th March is the church meeting at 7.30pm in the building.  Agenda and papers already out.  Contact Lesley in the office or if you missed it.  All are welcome to be part of it, voting for members. A zoom link will go out prior to the meeting for those who are unable to make it into the building but want to be involved.

Wednesday 26th March lunch club, do ask Lesley or Rachel for information

Wednesday 26th March 1.30-2ish Wednesday worship in the music room ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8)

Thursday 27th March 2-4pm in church Warm welcome craft group.  All welcome, no previous experience necessary but you may also come with your own projects to do or share.

The next deacons meeting is the 31st March at 7.30pm in church.


Sunday 30th March Service at 11am with group for younger ones, continuing to look together in Luke.

Sunday 6th April 11am We welcome John Wilson, who served with BMS for 36 years in France, to share with us from Luke 9:51-10:3.  There will be a group for our younger friends during the service.

Sunday 13th April 11am Palm Sunday all age café church (café church is on the 2nd Sunday just this month) looking at Luke 19:28-40

Sunday 20th April 11am Easter Sunday celebration with baptisms, cake and refreshments and Easter egg hunt after the service. 

Sunday 27th April 11am Easter Communion.. on the Emmaus Road Luke 24:13-35 with a group for younger ones.

Sunday May 4th Café church


Rock Solid Youth pizza night and social on 6th April 7-8pm in church.  No youth group meeting on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday

Beacon café is on Monday 7th April, Easter beacon café is on 14th April, 10-11.30.  Beacon has a break on April 21st.

Wednesday 9th April 1.45 until 4pm in the music room ‘Calamity Jane’ with refreshments, All ages welcome.  No lunch club today.

Wednesday 16th April Easter worship and prayer in church in the evening.. more details to come. 

Friday 18th April 10-11am Good Friday service and reflection in church

Friday 18th April 2.30pm join with other churches on Alwoodley Green on King Lane for a Good Friday outdoor service (opposite the little Tesco).  Feel free to bring a chair and grab a drink.  The craft group have kindly been making ‘seed crosses’ that we can give out on the afternoon to help people remember the story of new life in Jesus at Easter.

Sunday 20th April 11am Easter Sunday celebration with baptisms, refreshments, and Easter egg hunt after the service.

Wednesday 23rd April 1.30pm Easter Wednesday worship with communion. (There will be lunch club that day).

70 years of MBC

Saturday 12th April Birthday barn dance for all ages in church 7pm with live music and a meal. Everyone welcome.  Put it in your diary, bring people along.  Collect free tickets from Lesley, myself, Karen or Rachel.  If you lead a group and know that you have people in the group who want to come, do collect some tickets to give out and let us know the number of tickets taken please.

The nearest Sunday to the official ‘beginning’ of MBC is Easter Sunday so we will have extra cake on that day and will thank God for all He has done, what He is doing and what He wants to do as well as for the family of God here in Moortown.

“This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world.  It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace” (Colossians 1:6)

In Christ


Shelley Dring


Moortown Baptist Church

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