Dear friends
Tomorrow we meet at 11am in the building and online to see what we can discover about Simeon’s epiphany moment in Luke 2:25-35. Thanks to all those who came and shared last week in the service. If you have anything you’d like to share this week then there will be an opportunity.
Some dates for you…
Sunday night 7-8pm Rock solid group for young people in the church building
Beacon cafe meets 9.30-12 on Monday in the building
Stepping stones (toddler group) takes place on Tuesday 10-11.30.
Drop in craft group and warm space on Thursday 2-4pm (bring something or join in with something) or just have a drink/snack or play a game.
Bibles study’s continue through the week so check out the website, pick up a flyer from the entrance hall or get in touch if you want to find out when they are.
Next Sunday its café church 11-12 midday where we find out about an epiphany moment in the synagogue.
9th February ‘Space’ from 6.30pm in church. Bring your instrument and play along, sing, draw, pray, read, dance, creative worship.. drink tea.
23rd February, new Bible study in the evening (time to be decided but probably about 7/7.30) the first of 24 sessions giving an overview of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation and seeing what that big story means now in our lives and our world, meeting at church fortnightly with Gareth Gadd see https://moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk/learn-the-bible-in-24-hours-an-exciting-new-course-starts-here-at-mbc-in-february/
The date of the next church meeting is Tuesday 21st February at 7.30pm where we will be sharing budgets for the year and talking about some of the church’s work at the moment and where God seems to be leading us. We are arranging that this will be on zoom too. The wifi isn’t the best at the moment in the sanctuary but we are working to improve this. There are many things a church can do, has done, could do and sometimes this can be confusing or challenging but also exciting as we turn from simply making our own solutions to praying for God to show us and help us. Let’s put prayer at the forefront of all we do, plan and imagine. You could pray on your own, meet with others or if you are in a housegroup you might want to pray for God’s leading together. If you have anything you would like to bring to the meeting do let Lesley know.
If you have anything you want to chat about then do get in touch with me or a deacon or contact Lesley on (0113) 2693750 or admin@moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and she’ll let me know or sort a suitable time.
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert” Ephesians 6:18
In Christ