Shelley’s message for w/c 16th February

Dear friends

We meet on Sunday at 11am to hear from the next part of Luke in Luke 3.  There will be a group for our younger friends and communion too.

Next week is half term so if you want to go to a housegroups do check with the leaders or contact Lesley although to date I haven’t heard about any changes in housegroups/bible studies.  There will be no Lunch Club this week and youth meet on Sunday night at the usual time of 7pm.  They will break for a week on 23rd February and be back again on Sunday 2nd March. Warm welcome Beacon café and craft group are on this week as usual too.

We love to make space for people to chat over a drink and food and we do this every first Sunday of the month at café church (as well as Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays).  Lesley sent out an email this week to ask if anyone could help every so often with topping up water, sorting cups etc for café church.  If you can, can you let Lesley know please, it won’t be every month but if we have more people, it will help share the roles a bit and make other things possible.


On 1st March Gather25 takes place across the world.  It’s a livestream of worship, prayer and stories live from 8 worldwide locations plus the persecuted church.  We want to partner in prayer and worship with brothers and sisters around the world.  The livestream will be broadcast in many languages.  We will be broadcasting in English and will be showing the livestream from 1pm in church which happens to be live from Cluj in Romania.  You will have chance to watch, sit, write, pray, sing during this time. Between 2 and 3pm we will have some live sung worship, art area and activities, map of the world, prayer.  Then 3pm-4pm I will lead a movement workshop ‘Prayer for 2025’ with props including flags for all ages and no experience needed, just come and learn how to move in prayer. Adjustments will be made for different fitness levels/abilities. The livestream will continue… the livestream then moves to Kigali in Rwanda and then to the UK at 7pm.  I will send a separate email out this week but if you know you can contribute then can you let me know and everyone else just come along and feel free to invite people.  This isn’t about an ‘event’ but it is an opportunity to pray at the same time with many other brothers and sisters around the world and to be encouraged and challenged by how God is working across the world and to motivate us where we are.

Notice of funerals

We will be hosting the funeral of Gillian Bayliffe at 11.30am February 27th followed by refreshments.  All those who would like to remember Gillian or support David and her family are invited to come along.

We will be hosting the funeral of Jenny Trout at 4pm March 6th. More details to follow.

Change of Date for MBC plant sale It’s now 10th May!  It seems a long way off, but Jenny says “if anyone is splitting up perennial plants that have got too big, then it would be great if you could save and pot up the bits they don’t want so they will be nice and big and healthy by May time!  Probably not something anyone is going to want to be doing this weekend though due to the weather!”.

Wednesday worship songs of praise

There will be a songs of praise at Wednesday worship at 1.30pm on 26th February.  If you have a favourite hymn or bible reading to share can you let Rachel B know please.

Seminar on Cristian considerations of potential changes in law regarding “assisted dying” Venue: Woodlands Methodist Harrogate Date: Saturday 22th February 2025, 10.00 – 12.00 noon with breakfast available from 9.30 am Tickets: General admission: £5 Under 18s: free Tickets: On EventBrite Seminar – February 2025: Assisted Dying – Harrogate School of Theology & Mission  Session delivered by David Hanson, retired Consultant ENT surgeon, who in addition to his medical career, has been a leading supporter of WYSOCS (West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies) which became the Thinking Faith Network


Shelley Dring


Moortown Baptist Church



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