Dear friends… He is risen!
It’s been so good to journey through lent, holy week and Easter Sunday as a community, whether in the building or on line, in small groups or on Sundays, with individuals or by taking time by ourselves to reflect. The picture of Moortown Baptist Church as ‘a tent without walls’ has maybe been visible for some of us in the drop in warm welcome spaces, gatherings of familiar and unfamiliar faces, worship outside the building, praying in a multi use space, getting together over a meal..and more.
But as we were reminded by the Professor in C S lewis’s The lion, the witch and the wardrobe on Good Friday night,
”…that is the very end of the adventure of the wardrobe. But if the Professor was right, it was only the beginning of the adventures of Narnia”
So too our journey continues, maybe with a slight change of pace after the drama of Holy Week but with gratitude and expectancy as we trust God with our next steps.
Here’s what’s coming up this week..
Wednesday 12th April – 10-12midday Easter beacon and warm welcome space with snacks, drinks and Easter crafts.
Thursday 13th April – 2-4pm drop in warm welcome space and craft group
Thursday 13th April 7-9pm bible in 24 hours continues.. this week it includes ‘why is the Tabernacle of Moses so significant?’
Sunday 16th April – 11am service with communion (and online) carrying on after Easter Sunday, ‘Journeying with Jesus’ on the road to Emmaus with things for our younger friends to engage with.
Monday 17th April is the next deacons meeting at 7.30pm
Monday 17th April 10-12midday Beacon cafe with warm welcome space (back to its usual Monday slot!)
Sunday 7th May Coronation afternoon food and fun.. more news soon.. ideas and offers of help to Shelley and Karen…
Saturday 13th May 1-3pm Plant sale
If you usually go to a housegroup do check if it’s meeting this week with those who lead it.
Anf finally… Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” John 11:25-26
See you soon