Dear friends
Happy New Year!
Or as Donna Ashworth writes more eloquently..
“…when I say happy new year
I’m really wishing you more happy days
Than sad days
More joy than misery
More laughter than tears
More bravery than fear
And the wisdom to accept that they all belong”
For we know that in the difficult times, God is still good, Jesus is still faithful and Holy Spirit is drawing us close and revealing new treasures (1 Corinthians 2:10). Our hearts go out to people in all parts of the world who suffer, we pray ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven’ and look for ways to act where we are. We also pray for those in our community, praying Gods healing and peace but also continually grateful for all God has been doing over the last year. We may not always know what the next step looks like but we know Jesus calls us to ‘Seek the Kingdom of God first above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’ (Matthew 6:33)
We continue this journey on Sunday at 11am with all age café church looking at Matthew 2:1-12. We have been focusing on a ‘down to earth’ God through advent and how we can be ‘down to earth’ too and we will continue to explore this over the next few weeks as we start the new year. You could say that something that is down to earth is also ‘rooted’. Last week we were reminded of how important it is to be rooted in God and how God weaved hope through generations of those who sought Gods heart above all else despite and through their struggles.
Next week..
Sunday 5th January – rock solid youth 7pm-8pm in church
Monday 6th January – Beacon warm welcome café 10-12midday
Tuesday 7th January – Stepping stones 10-11.30 in church
Tuesday 7th January – housegroup Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday 7th January – Deacons meeting 7.30pm
Wednesday 8th January – lunch club is back, see Rachel Beedle
Wednesday 8th January – 7.30pm housegroup in church
Thursday 9th January – 2-4pm craft warm welcome group in church
Thursday 9th January – 7pm bible study in church
Friday 10th January – 10-11am bible study in church
Friday 10th January – 8pm housegroup
Sunday 12th January – 11am service with group for our younger friends during the talk connected to the theme
Sunday 12th January – 7-8pm Rocksolid youth
Reminder that there’s a church meeting and AGM on 21st January at 7.30pm in church. Thank you for your prayers for the church and its work here in North Leeds and further afield.
Over the next week we’ll have more information about whats happening in the next few months.
Do get in touch with Lesley (office 9-4pm on Monday, Tuesday or 9-1pm on Wednesday), or myself or a deacon or group leader if you have questions about any groups advertised above.
In Christ