Dear friends
The pictures and reports from Syria and Turkey this week have been so difficult to see and can leave us with a sense of what can we do? Pete Grieg released a basic prayer guide that might be helpful… see the link below…
Pray for Earthquake in Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon – 24-7 Prayer International
Also it may help to pray for the 4 p’s
People affected comfort for those grieving, losing homes, injured, scared
Peacemakers – resilience and resources for frontline workers, rescue teams etc
Politicians – wisdom to coordinate and communicate well, making speedy but good decisions
Pastors – strength as they process their own trauma whilst seeking to support others to care for the poor, bind the broken hearted, lead funerals etc
You may want to give money too… here are a couple of links..
Earthquake response – BMS World Mission
DEC Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal | British Red Cross
Tonight ( 9th February) at Space we’ll be ‘holding a space’ to pray together for those affected in the disaster between 7.30pm and 8pm. Space is a place to play songs together, pray, worship, draw, read, move, just sit and be. It takes place between 6.30 and 9 in the Sanctuary, there’ll be tea and coffee and cold drinks. Do come for part or all of it.
Prayer is listening and talking to God so let us let God guide us in what and how we pray. At the beginning of the bible, Genesis 4:26 mentions people ‘began to call on the name of the Lord’ and right at the end of the bible, Revelation 22:20 closes with a prayer ‘Come Lord Jesus’
1 Thessalonians 5:17 says ‘Don’t stop praying’. If you are unable to get to the building maybe you would like to stop and pray between 7.30-8pm wherever you are.
Here are some useful dates…
Sunday 12th February – service at 11am (and online) with linked creative activities. Epiphany moments continued! This week we look at Mark 4:35-41, Jesus in the storm
Monday 13th February – 9.30-12, Beacon café and warm space with breakfast and drinks, everyone welcome to drop in.
No Stepping Stones or lunch club this week
Thursday 16th February – 2-4pm warm space and drop in crafts
Sunday 19th February – 11am (and online) with linked creative activities. Epiphany moments continued! Jesus walks on water Matthew 22-33 with communion
Monday 20th February– 9.30-12, Beacon café and warm space with breakfast and drinks, everyone welcome to drop in.
Tuesday 21st February – Stepping Stones under 5’s group 10-11.30
Tuesday 22nd February – church meeting in the building and online at 7.30pm
Thursday 23rd February – 7pm new bible study starts with Gareth Gadd.. (see website)
Thursday 24th February – 2-4pm warm space and drop in crafts
Sunday 26th February – 11am-12 service in church and online with linked creative activities. Epiphany moments continued! Peter’s confession
Sunday 5th March – 11-12 midday café church. Epiphany moments continued! Shape shifting…glory on a mountain
We continue to hand out food to those who need it through the week. We are often giving out basics like soup, tinned meats. tea, coffee and sugar. If you would like to donate any then do bring them to Lesley on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning or at other times please give to Shelley, a deacon or Rachel Beadle.
This Saturday at 11am, Adam is sharing his knowledge on visuals on the sound desk with two people who have asked to find out how they might be able to help. If it’s something you’d be interested in can you let me know and I’ll help you with the next steps. If other members of the tech team want to come along you’d be very welcome.
I have attached a statement written by Krys Gadd as she has prayerfully put herself forward to serve as a deacon in church. I have talked and prayed with Krys over a few months about this and the Deacons are aware too and some of them have prayed and chatted with Krys too to discern how God might be speaking to her about a leadership role in the church. Do pray for her in this process. This will be on the agenda for the church meeting.
If you want to talk to me about how God may be speaking or calling you or if you are thinking things through and want someone to help discern and chat things over with, even if you are not sure what role that might be, then do get in touch with me.
Moortown Baptist Church – Loving God, living generously, following Christ.
“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8)
In Christ
See some of you later