Dear friends
Thanks so much for your support last week in the London marathon if you supported me. I felt your prayers and encouragement.
I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow as we get to the end of Luke’s gospel following Jesus’ post resurrection appearances. This week we look at Luke 24:50-53 where Jesus goes to heaven. You could say it was a real ‘wow’ moment but what does it mean to us? We will have some activities in a separate group for our younger members to explore the theme as well as the art area and ways of looking at the Ascension in different ways in the service. We start at 11 in the building and on our youtube channel.
Youth meet 7-8pm in the building tomorrow.
There will be a warm welcome space on 1st May bank holiday 10-12midday so everyone come along for a drink, breakfast pastries, fruit, chat or sit quietly in the space.
Steppingstones under 5’s group and their carers meet 10-11.30am on Tuesday and the deacons meet with Shelley on Tuesday night.
House groups are on through the week including Tuesday afternoon in the church building, Wednesday night at 7.30 in the building and on zoom,
Thursday evening is the ‘bible in 24 hours’ group at 7pm and Friday morning at 10am there is bible study in the church building. There are more so for more information about these and other groups talk to myself or the deacons.
After lunchclub on Wednesday we’ll be putting up some decorations for the Coronation so if you are around to help you would be very welcome (from about 1.45pm..sorry I know that doesn’t suit everyone).
There’s a warm welcome craft group 2-4pm on Thursday.
Thursday is also polling day and Moortown Baptist Church is an official polling station so do pray for all those coming in and out of the building that day. The voting will not affect any of our regular groups as they are using the sports hall.
Next Sunday 7th May we have Café church 11-12 and then our Coronation Community lunch at 1pm. Do come along and bring people with you. It’s open to all. Some plates of savouries have already been arranged but if you’d like to bring a cake or something that can easily be shared then it would be welcome but don’t let bringing something stop you from coming. Come as you are. We have crown making and face painting going on but if you have an idea of something you would like to contribute can you let me know? The whole idea behind it is to get together in a relaxed way, open our doors and enjoy good food and company. Our midweek groups have also been invited.
There will be no beacon on May 8th.
Other things to join with..
Throughout May we are having a focused month of prayer for the church and wider community. Krys, Mandy and Adam have supplied some helpful pointers for each day. I have attached a short version and a long version to this email so pick which one is most helpful. You can pray them at home or with others. They have also got a whats app you can join if you want to pray with people that way. Details are in the attachments but we can give more information for those who need that.
The plant sale is coming up on the 13th May 1-3pm
The next whole church meeting is on 25th May at 7.30pm. We’ll email out some information after the deacons meeting this week with some things that will be on the agenda to be thinking and praying about for contributions. If you want to include something can you let myself, a deacon or Lesley know? Lesley will be in the office from Tuesday so you can see her in person on the church number 0113 2693750 or email her admin@moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk.
Finally, we start a new series that builds on the epiphany moments and journeying with Jesus next Sunday. I’ll email out information about this early next week so you can be thinking, preparing, praying..
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
In Christ
Moortown Baptist Church