Dear friends
A little update before Christmas Day. I still have the word ‘Am-az-ing’ in my head, a memory from our nativity that so many of you were part of last week. If you missed it you can find it here… Moortown Baptist Church – 18.12.22 – YouTube
Re-enacting the story of the first Christmas is an important part of many people’s Christmas celebrations. Jesus himself knew the importance of re-enactment in order to build living memories. It’s not just something for children either. Jesus shared the Passover meal to commemorate the Israelites escape from slavery and departure from ancient Egypt. Then on the night before he was betrayed, Jesus shared a meal and told his followers to drink wine and eat bread ‘in remembrance of me’. During our nativity service we were reminded to look out for ‘unscripted wow moments’, times when we ‘see’ Jesus again in different areas of our world and in our lives, unexpected places perhaps.
I want to say a big thank you from myself and on behalf of the Deacons for all those who are and have helped with supporting our Christmas activities, groups and services over December. Last Monday, many came to enjoy a warm space at Christmas Beacon, craft group met with a Christmas get together and Karen and I have spent some time at Living Local on the Lingfield Estate building relationships, meeting faithful volunteers (some of whom are part of our church community) and passing on food and fuel support for those who would struggle over Christmas. We look to develop our relationship with them over the new year. This Sunday is the last day to give to our Christmas giving appeal for Living Local and Martin house hospice so thank you again and if you want to add anything there is a decorated box to put your money in to the right of the church as you come through the main doors.
Tomorrow we hold our Christingle service 4.30pm until 5.15pm in church. We know there will be some people coming who don’t usually come so it would be great to welcome them. We look forward to seeing you too. Some people are making Christingles at 10.30 at church if you want to go help. The service is for all ages (younger and older together) and we will use the symbol of the Christingle (an orange with a candle in and sweets…) to think about Jesus the light of the world on this special night. We will be singing a few carols too!
On Sunday morning we celebrate Jesus the light of the world coming to earth, on Christmas Day. The service is at 10.30 and will be no longer than an hour. It’s a chance to celebrate Christmas together, hear some readings, pray and sing some carols. If you would like to bring one of your presents to show from home, then please do!
On the 28th December we open up a warm space with a Beacon café from 10-12 and then on Sunday 1st January we start the year together in ‘café style with the final part of our ‘sky full of stars’ series. We’ll have tea and coffee out (some of you may have had a late night) so do bring a refill cup (we’ll have a few spares at church). We didn’t know if we had anyone to wash up on New Year’s Day so we thought this might be easier on this occasion.
Couple of other bits…
If you, or anyone you know is struggling at Christmas, then do get in touch. In terms of food and fuel we have some funding and MBC money we can allocate. Do call people and invite people to church when we are open. I’ve just been told that Mumtaz the Indian restaurant in Leeds city centre is giving away meals from 12-2pm on Christmas Day at their restaurant at 1 & 2 Mackenzie House, Chadwick Street, Leeds, LS10 1PJ.
Other useful numbers… Leeds welfare team for help with bills or food… 0113 3760330 (weekdays 9-5 except Wednesday that are 10-5). Also Crisis Support – Live Well Leeds for emotional support for any age.
Or the Samaritans can be reached on 116 123 (24 hours a day)
“Open the blind.
Sunrise: The sky is all the colours.
Darkness shrugs away the Christ child will come
Immanuel – God with us”
May the joy of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, the worship of the wisemen and the peace of the Christ child be yours and with those you meet and those you pray for this Christmas and forevermore.
Yours in Christ and a very happy Christmas
Shelley Dring, Minister at MBC.