Shelley’s post 20 August 2022

Dear friends

Its been good to catch up with many of you this week.  If you have been away I do hope you have had had a refreshing time.

Tomorrow our service moves onto the next theme of ‘I am not’s’ of Jesus and we move onto ‘I am not of this world’.  Jesus said this a couple of times as recorded by John and one of those times was in front of Pontius Pilate as part of the trial he went through.  It will be 11am until 12midday in the building and on youtube.  There will be activities for our younger friends during the talk. Usually we would have communion on a third Sunday but this has been postponed until next week just this month.  Sorry to those who may be disappointed about this.

Just like Jesus we are called to be in the world but not of it.. I leave you with that thought over the next few days.

Beacon is back as usual 10-12 on Monday and we host the memorial tea to celebrate the life of Margaret Rhodes in the building on Thursday at 1pm. 

I’m away today and tomorrow but I am back again on Monday.

Do pray for the leadership team who have a meeting on Tuesday night to collate reports from the past few years.

A reminder too to put ‘Space’ in your diary, 8th September from 6.30pm in church: a time to play your instruments, draw, sing, dance, relax and worship (no previous experience necessary).

There is a week left to apply for the administrator job at MBC. Do have a look at the website to see the job description and details on application.  Any questions, get in touch.

Thanks for all your prayers for the church.  We gave out two more bibles to people coming to our café and want to read more about God.

Praying we all know the refreshment of God through His fountain of life (Revelation 22)  

Many blessings


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