Shelley’s update

Dear friends

Well its been nearly a week since the London Marathon and my legs are feeling are a bit more like my own.  I want to thank you all for your support in words of encouragement, pictures, prayers, high five’s and of course donations to the Roy Castle lung Cancer Foundation.  At the moment over £2000 have been raised.  I know that this isn’t a great time for some people financially so it is very much appreciated.  God loves a cheerful giver and you have been full of cheer! (2 Cor 9;6) If you would like to know more about the charity then you can find them here. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation – The UK’s only charity solely dedicated to supporting everyone affected by lung cancer

No wonder Paul in the bible said the Christian life is like a race.  There are fast bits, slow bits, ups and downs, the landscape changes along with those who are running alongside you. At times we all run together happily, at other times we notice someone struggling and we shout words of encouragement, we may even pick them up and get them help, or walk alongside.  Some people may break away, running with us for a time.  Those who run have diverse backgrounds and experiences and the training they have undertaken is also varied in content and amount.  Some have moments of sprinting and for others it’s a slow and painful crawl.  No one can run your race for you, ultimately it’s your responsibility for the steps you put one in front of the other.  The track may seem wide and clear at times whilst at others its narrow, unclear.  Two elite runner’s on Sunday’s marathon actually ran the wrong way and had to come back again with help. I’ll be sharing  a little bit more in church on Sunday.  I have been in touch with some of you this week and I am looking forward to seeing many more soon.  A year ago I had a couple of Sundays booked away and last week and this week are two of those Sundays so my involvement on Sunday has been more behind the scenes in planning and praying but also I will be on video.  Then I am back in the flesh on Sundays for a while!  We do look forward to hearing more on Paul’s letter to the Philippians this week.  If you haven’t read it through you may find it useful to do this in your bible as we journey with the church in Philippi each week and see what God has to say to us.  Also check out the bible project link here.. Overview: Philippians – Bing video

Here’s some dates to remember…

Sunday 9th October – Church service 11-12midday.  Church with children’s activities on Philippians 4. Also on YouTube.

Tuesday 11th October – Tech team (and those in worship team who are also interested in tech) get together to talk about where we are and what we want to do.  At the Lord Darcy, 7.45 for 8 (come earlier for your tea if you fancy!)

Sunday 16th October – Harvest celebration café – 11-12midday.  Bring your gifts of food and toiletries to be given to the North Leeds Foodbank and Caring for Life. Please don’t bring things that will deteriorate over night like fresh fruit.  We’ll have breakfast and hot drinks and activities for all ages to explore the harvest theme as well as prayers and songs. Bring your friends!  Also includes news of an exciting Harvest project at MBC that you may want to help with supporting our local communities.

Thursday 20th October – Space – come and be, pray, chill, play an instrument, sing, draw…a space to be and worship.  From 6.30pm in the sanctuary, all ages welcome and feel free to bring your friends.

Sunday 23rd October – Service in church and online 11-12midday on more of Philippians 4.  With activities for children

After that…

It is with sadness but also a great privilege to celebrate the life of two people who have been part of the family at MBC over the years. Please pray for their families at this difficult time. 

Wednesday 26th October 12.45pm, the funeral of Joan Baker, Kate Slater’s mum.  Kate has said that you are welcome to come to the service in church if you knew her mum and also you would be welcome to refreshments in church but could you let her know if you are coming, for catering purposes.

Friday 28th October 1pm The funeral of Michael Losits


Tuesday November 1st is our church meeting in the evening.

It’s Beacon as usual on Monday 10-12, do come and chat, meet someone new or old and have a pastry and a drink.  Lunchclub continues as usual on Wednesday and Rock Solid is on Sunday nights 7-8pm for our young people.

Do keep an eye out on facebook, twitter and the website or ask myself, a deacon or anyone you trust in the church if you need anything.

Keep dreaming big then take one step at a time.

“Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever  is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things…”(Phil 4:8)

In Christ


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