Dear friends
We have the theme ‘Rooted’ emerging on Sundays. We’ll talk more about this over time, something to think about. We are taking some time in January to look at the events just after Jesus’ birth to see what God might be saying to us about ourselves, our communities and the wider world. Last week we looked at Matthew 2 and considered what do we choose to follow and what do we choose not to? I wonder if you have given it some time this week to ponder about the things you follow and the things you don’t in order to be healthy as a disciple of Jesus? January is full of ideas on how to start strong, some helpful and some maybe not so but its good to have January as a month to ponder things through and be intentional, not rushing but discerning, writing things down, sharing and praying things over. Tomorrow, we look at the treasures the magi brought and the treasure they found. We start at 11am in the building and on the YouTube channel. There will be a group for our younger friends and we’ll also have some stories shared.
In the evening Rock Solid for youth meets in the building 7pm-8pm.
Most of our groups continue as usual this week apart from Tuesday afternoon housegroup and Wednesday housegroup in the building as they want to allow for people coming to the church meeting on Tuesday evening. Do keep in touch with your group leaders or contact Lesley at the beginning of the week in case there is a change.
Tuesday evening is the Church AGM and church meeting at 7.30pm. It would be great if you can come to this to pray and share and get a feel for what has been happening in the church and what God is doing. We thank God for all those who volunteer in all sorts of ways including all those who are part of this community. There will be a zoom link for those unable to be there. We will send it out next week.
I wanted to let you know that Faith in Kids are doing a few sessions across the country called Raising confident kids in a Confusing world. Its for anyone connected to any child, so you don’t need to be a parent, just anyone with a heart for children right now (parents, grandparent, those who are like parents and grandparents to others, children/youth leaders/helpers…) Its on Thursday January 30th 7.45-9.30 at Gateway Church, St Marks Road, Leeds, LS2 9AF more info here. I’m going so if you are interested let me know. Buy tickets – Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World (Leeds) – Gateway at St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Rd, Leeds
There’s also a zoom training session on 28th January for welcoming families with additional needs… Buy tickets – Inspire (Children’s Ministry Leadership Training): Welcoming families with additional needs – Zoom for those involved in this area. I intend to invite Children/youth leaders on your whats apps with some information so I will be in touch this weekend!
Finally this verse from Matthew 5:9 seemed appropriate at this time. Do pray for all who work for peace.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”
The Baptist Union have released a statement and a prayer that you may want to join with. Click on the link below
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow