Sunday 13th Feb… 11am in church and on YouTube. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief”

Over the last few weeks we have been following a series on Sundays called Seek First.  The aim was to intentionally put God at the centre of all our decision making, thoughts, worship, at the start of the new year as we looked at ‘what are we building?’ All ages engaged with the Bible passages on Sundays as we considered the cornerstone, foundations, Nehemiah and living stones.

Thanks to all who have shared in leading worship and teaching over the last few weeks.  We have all been blessed and enriched by sharing with each other.  It’s been good to have gathered together with you either in person or online on this journey since Christmas; but there is more…   

This Sunday we continue to Seek First…a sort of ‘Seek First part 2’, a series looking into the gospel of Mark.  It can become overwhelming at times when we think about the kingdom of God and how we truly seek his kingdom before all other agendas, but one way to overcome this is to realise that it is not simply about the expectations we or others have on us, but rather it’s about a relationship with the King himself.

I will send you a list of the passages in the next few days so that you can have a look in advance or you may want to contribute something on a Sunday or even chat or pray about it with one or two others in the week.  There will be opportunities to engage in different ways as the series develops. 

This week we start with a passage from Mark 9 where we meet a young man who’s son is healed by Jesus and declares to Jesus, “I believe, help me with my unbelief”.


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