Sunday Feb 20… how do we love?

Dear friends

Yesterday I sat in Chapel Allerton and saw the snow fall at a pace from the skies!  I travelled back to Leeds city centre, only 15 minutes away, sat in the flat I am temporarily staying in, and there is no snow…I realised that things look differently depending on where you are sitting.  And so it is with us.  Even just 15 minutes away in the same city and we can have a totally different view with different concerns and experiences.  We carry these with us…and that’s again why its so important when it comes to faith in Jesus that we ‘Seek first’ (Matthew 6:33) to quote our theme from the start of the year, because so many other things can come to take that place, depending on where we are sitting.  That doesn’t mean our viewpoint isn’t important, on the contrary, Jesus encourages us to “Wake up and look around..”(John 4:35) but we need to ask, where is God in this view?  What does God want me/us to see? 

Today we continue to look at Jesus through Mark’s gospel with a focus on Mark 12:28-34… How do we love?  It will be live in the building from 11-12 and on the Moortown Baptist Youtube Channel.  There will be an all age focus with something practical to make for those who like to learn in this way. 

It’s the start of half term but Beacon café will still be on.  Do come along and share a coffee/chat/pastry/or just be, from 10-12.   Just before 12midday there is an opportunity to pray together and lift those on our hearts to God with others. 

On Tuesday we partner with the Queenshill gardeners project, a newly funded project in the community on a climate awareness day in church.  Its a day where we hear/share climate/environment concerns creatively but all ages are invited to make water filters for their homes/streets. No previous experience needed.  There is a free lunch and it will run from 10.30 until mid afternoon.

More news on the run up to Easter to come over the next few days…

Hope to see you soon

In Christ

Shelley Dring

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