What nicer welcome to any church than to step into a freshly decorated and imaginitively redesigned reception area. And that’s precisely what visitors to MBC are doing each and every time they walk through our main doors.
Starting with the foyer, the office corridor and the Corner Room a small but incredibibly efficient team of designers and decorators are methodically working their way through our building.
Ahead of them lie all sorts of projects including the possibility of installing new windows into what many of us still think of as the Church Hall – now the creche room and carrying out a thorough examination of the whole building’s insulation.
On this occasion, however, special thanks go to Liz Knight who masterminded the painting of the foyer (and the assembly of the furniture) and to one of our two new deacons Rod Russell. They of course were ably assisted by a team of willing volunteers.
If you would like to join this team just have a word with Rod, Shelley, Lesley or any of our deacons and we’ll put your name on our list.