According to Google the term The Merry Month of May (depending on how many Merrys you want to put in it) is either a song – sung as a duet in Edward German’s Merrie England; the regimental march of the 10th Royal Hussars; a poem by Elizabethan poet Thomas Dekker, a novel penned by writer James Jones in 1971 or a 1955 film featuring Lee Hoi-chuen. However, at MBC The Merry Month of May can only mean one (well maybe two things) and that’s our annual charity plant sale which takes place from 1-3pm on Saturday 13th May at church, but the week before it’s King Charles III Coronation with lunch for all, music and craft all taking place after our morning Service on the afternoon of Sunday May 7th.
As far as we know everything is taking shape for both of these memorable events with Jenny Dixon in charge of the Plant Sale and Karen Ross calling the shots re the Cornation tea.
So any queries or particularly any offers of help before, during or after will be gratefully received by both.