Thoughts and prayers – by Jane Coates

The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.” Psalm 91 v 14 NLT

The Maji followed God’s leading by signs, star, and dream. They had ignored the disquieting voices in their heads and around them, that may have told them that they were unwise to undertake their long journey. But their instincts, the quiet prompting of God, and their research, told them to follow the rising, leading star.

After finding the infant, and in response to a dream, they were guided to find a new way home, avoiding a return to Herod’s palace. This new journey would be without the comfort of the leading star but God, in His mercy, gave His protection and safety to the Maji. They trusted and followed the dream’s instruction and the guidance of God. They returned to their own country by another route because God had warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod. Matthew 2 v 12 Protection, safety, and grace were likewise given to Joseph, Mary, and the child Jesus.

Being warned in a dream to escape from Herod and his anger, the family escaped to Egypt, leaving hurriedly, in the middle of the night, remaining there as strangers, and refugees in a foreign land, because Herod’s clear intention was to search for and destroy the child. Rescue, protection, and safety were key.

When they (the Mai) had gone, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream. He said, “Get up. Take the young Child and His mother to the country of Egypt. Go as fast as you can! Stay there until you hear from Me. Herod is going to look for the young Child to kill Him.” During the night he got up and left with the young Child and His mother for Egypt. Matthew 2 v 13-14 NLT

Two years later, and once again instructed in a dream, Joseph with Mary, and Jesus, returned to their homeland of Israel. Then again, warned by God in a dream, and with Joseph’s great wisdom and discernment, knowing that Herod Archelaus was now ruling in place of his father Herod the Great, and realising that Jesus could still be in danger, Joseph took his young family, to Nazareth, in the region of Galilee. Nazarenes were often treated with suspicion and caution by other Jews. Jesus was once called ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ in an insulting, derogatory way. But this move would perhaps keep Jesus safe. Then, after being warned in a dream, he left for the region of Galilee. 

So, the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled what the prophets had said: “He will be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2 v22-23 NLT

Protection, safety, security, care, and certainty. God’s safe keeping is for those who trust in the name of the Lord. We may not have dreams, or hear angel voices, but may we lean into Him daily to discern His direction and know his presence with us each day of this new year.

There is no going back-only forward by a new way, a new path, a new road. Not a star, but Jesus is the light for that new path.

There is no reversing this road. The path that bore you here goes in one direction only, every step drawing you down a way by which you will not return.

You thought arrival was everything, that your entire journey
ended with kneeling in the place you had spent all to find. When you laid down your gift, release came with such ease, your treasure tumbling from your hands in awe and benediction.

Now the knowledge of your leaving comes like a stone laid over your heart, the familiar path closed and not even the solace of a star to guide your way.

You will set out in fear. You will set out in dream. But you will set out by that other road that lies in shadow and in dark.

We cannot show you the route that will take you home; that way is yours and will be found in the walking. But we tell you, you will wonder at how the light you thought you had left behind goes with you, spilling from your empty hands, shimmering beneath your homeward feet, illuminating the road with every step you take.

Jan Richardson from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons © Jan Richardson from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons. Used by permission.

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