The Oculus, at the World Trade Centre in New York, is a stunning and beautiful piece of architecture. Its functional role is that of a transportation hub and shopping complex with 12 subway lines, the World Trade Centre PATH station, numerous shops, farmers markets, art exhibitions, musical performances and more. Over a million people every week come through this hub. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, the structure was intended to embody a powerful concept of hope and resilience, rooted in the tragedy of 9/11. The elegant, white, metal structure is intended to portray a bird about to take flight from the hands of a child and is seen as a symbol of hope, release, and resilience in the face of every adversity and obstacle.
Here is the science bit. Apparently, the Oculus building is in alignment with the sun’s solar angles and there is a small opening in the roof of the Oculus, a skylight, through which the sun shines through. Each September 11, from 8:46 a.m., when the first plane struck, until 10:28 a.m., when the second tower collapsed, this central skylight in the roof matches perfectly with this alignment and the floor of the Oculus becomes flooded with a beam of light.
Such symbols of hope are powerful. It made me go back to the Old Testament again and to read the account of Noah, the ark of rescue, the receding waters, the rainbow as a covenant sign of hope, and the release of the dove from Noah’s hands.
He (Noah) also released a dove to see if the water had receded and it could find dry ground. But the dove could find no place to land because the water still covered the ground. So, it returned to the boat, and Noah held out his hand and drew the dove back inside. After waiting another seven days, Noah released the dove again. This time the dove returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the floodwaters were almost gone. He waited another seven days and then released the dove again. This time it did not come back. Genesis 8 v 8-12 NLT
As we read and watch the TV news, we know that there is evidence of wrong, evil intention, the overuse of power and the destruction of others. God sees and knows. “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things. Genesis 8 v 21 NLT
There are always signs of hope. Let us continue to look towards the light that comes streaming through and sometimes when we least expect it.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13 v 6-7 NIV