Wise up to Ageism… a report on MBC’s recent course

The aim of Wise Up to Ageism is to raise awareness and encourage people to discuss and reflect on ageism in our everyday lives. We also aim to help people challenge ageist attitudes.

The session explores five key areas:

Let’s talk about ageism – What is ageism and how widespread is it?

Ageism affects people of all ages – Whether we are younger, middle aged or older ageism affects us all

Older, different, equal – older people are diverse and ageing and ageism affect us      differently

Ageism. What does it do to us? – The impact of ageism on our health, self-worth, life expectancy, work and access to services

Time to feel good about ageing – Share the positives of ageing and celebrate the contributions made by older people.

The session was organised by MBC’s Rachel Beedle and was led by Sarah Prescott the Friendly Communities Development Officer for Leeds Older People’s Forum. 

Nine people completed the course including MBC volunteers and staff members.  We shared ideas and thoughts in a group and reflected on our own practice at MBC. This course complements our dementia friendly work as well as our safeguarding courses and contributes to our vision to make Moortown Baptist Church an accessible church where all have the opportunity to flourish.

Below are some interesting and useful links that Sarah Prescott has forwarded to us.

The Centre for Ageing Better’s report ‘Ageism: What’s the harm?’ is an evidence based overview of the impacts of ageism in the UK

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