With a Barn Dance beckoning and with MBC approaching its 70th anniversary, we invite you to step back in time and relive our first 50 years

On April 22 1955, at a service held at South Parade Baptist Church in Headingly, forty nine Foundation Members became Moortown Baptist Church. 

Fifty years on, and to mark that golden milestone Roger Robson, who in 1955 was just ten years of age researched, wrote and published a compelling account of the first five decades of MBC’s life. 

Printed in book form, and also copied to a CD Roger’s work chronicles the comings and goings of five ministers,  innumerable officers and deacons plus many of the local, national and overseas projects that MBC had either launched or was heavily involved in. 

Below there’s a very short extract from Roger’s book, which we hope will whet your appetite. If it does you can continue reading the entire book by clicking on this LINK.  

Barn Dance… never a church to miss out on a celebration, to mark the church’s 70th Anniversary we’re holding a Barn Dance in the building starting at 7pm on Saturday 12th of April. Tickets are free and are available from Shelley, Lesley, Karen or Rachel. So do come along.

I leave you with a quote from that Foundation Service in 1955, when the brand new church was reminded “You are Christ’s Church; you belong to Him; you are not just a voluntary human association, responsible to yourselves alone… What kind of church Moortown is in the future depends on what you are now; how you worship, work and live”.

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