With the focus on Lent, here’s Shelley’s weekly update…

Dear friends

Lent began this week, the period of time 40 days before we celebrate Easter when many in the church choose to observe a renewed focus on God. Our lives get full of all sorts.  We carry a lot. Lent has been described as a time to turn away from some things, minimise, clear out so that we can reclaim space for Jesus and all He has for us.  Praying, fasting and giving to others all help, but it might also include other things that help us realign such as reading a verse a day, a walk a day, singing a song a day.  At the beginning of lent we think about the story of Jesus going into the wilderness; choosing to move away from the busyness and distractions to make space to hear God before he started his teaching, healings and journey to the cross.

Listed below are a few resources you may find helpful. 40 ways to give in lent and a devotional for everyday…

40acts: Do Lent generously

40 things to do in lent for all ages outside

Exploring Lent with Younger Kids – 40 Nature Activities Printable.pdf – Google Drive

40 acts youth wallchart


The lectio 365 prayer app (download on your phone) is doing a lent series now.  Do ask me or a Rachel B and we’ll get it sorted for you or point you to someone who can.

If you have something that is helpful do share it with others.

This week looks like this..

Sunday 9th March 11am service with group for young ones

Sunday 9th March Welcome lunch for those who feel ‘new’ and want to meet some other people, in church.

Sunday 9th March 7-8pm Rock Solid youth in church

Monday 10th March 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café

Tuesday 11th March 10-11.30 Stepping Stones for under 5’s and parents and carers

Tuesday afternoon house group, see Howard Dews

Wednesday 12th March lunchclub, see Rachel B or send a message to Lesley in the office

Wednesday 7.30-9pm house group in church, see Ruth/Andy Berry, also one in Alwoodley, see Diane S

Thursday 13th March 2-4pm warm welcome space craft group in church, see Karen or Diane S

Thursday 7pm bible study with Gareth

Friday 14th March 10am Bible study in church, any questions, chat with myself

Friday 8pm house group, see Jonathan and Hilary or Steve or Helen

Sunday 16th March 11am service with communion and group for younger friends

Just a heads up that the next church meeting is Tuesday 25th March 2025.  Agenda will be out by mid next week.  It will include budgets and current priorities.  Do pray and keep sharing if you have thoughts on how God is guiding us.

Last Sunday we were reminded of Jesus baptism.  On Easter Sunday we’d love to baptise those who feel they want to be baptised or feel God is ‘nudging’ them about it.  Do get in touch with me or send a message to Lesley to get hold of me if you want a quick chat.   

Last Sunday we connected with Gather25, the highlights are available here if you want to watch again or catch up here Watch the Gather25 Livestream

See you tomorrow

In Christ


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