30th October – Shelley’s message and a reminder about Tuesday’s Church Meeting

Dear friends

As half term ends we thank God for his faithfulness in October.  As we see the leaves changing colour and falling from the trees in the UK we are reminded again that we live in seasons.  A friend of mine who moved to Gibraltar said the one thing she missed was the seasons in the way we have it here. 

In our two funeral services this week, we thanked God for the life of Joan Baker (Kate Slater’s mum) on Wednesday and for Michael Losits (Magdi’s husband) and in both we heard words from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3

“..there is a season or time for every activity under heaven.” We live in a world of change, it was never meant to stay the same all the time.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 goes onto say that although in this world there is a time for beginnings and endings, that God is always the same and he has put something of ‘forever’ in our hearts.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men”.

So we live in the tension of being ‘forever’ people in an earthly world of change.

Thanks to all those who came to support church family in different ways this week.  We know there are a number of people with colds, covid or a mix and we pray for them too.  For all who have enjoyed holiday we pray it’s been peaceful and fun.

Talking of change, the clocks go back an hour tonight. 

We also have a shift in theme on Sunday too as we move into a mini series on ‘Fruitfulness’.  I’ll explain more about this tomorrow and to those I know want to be involved.  So it will go like this…

Sunday 30th October – Seed                John 15:1-8

Sunday 6th November – Fruit               Galatians 5:22-26  (café church)

Sunday 13th November – Planting      James 3:13-18

Sunday 20th November – Flower                   Matthew 6:28-34  (communion)

On the 27th November we develop this into our Advent to Christmas season…

Services are 11-12ish in church and on YouTube.  Tomorrow there will be a group for our younger members.

Many of our groups are back next week including Beacon, stepping stones, rock solid, lunch club and craft group.  Do check out the website or ask someone if you are unsure.

A reminder about the AGM and church meeting and update at 7.30 on Tuesday 1st November in church and on zoom.  Zoom link will go out on Monday.

In Christ


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