An update from your Leadership Team and a reminder about our Jubilee Party

Hello everyone. I hope that you have had a peaceful week. 
Church sessions have run well and have been well attended. Lunch Club members and team all went out for fish and chips last Wednesday and a good time was had by all. Pam Fieldings funeral was held on Thursday. Thanks to Haddon for leading and those who helped. 
On Sunday coming we will follow the ‘I am’ theme again and specifically ‘the good shepherd’. John Ch10 v 1-18. I will be telling the children about shepherds in Jesus’ time and why Jesus called himself ‘the good shepherd’. Nathan will be speaking in church.
Thanks to Andy Berry leading the music team and Adam Argyle leading the Tech team. Matt Graham is doing the reading and Carol Owen the prayers. We are grateful for everyone who has offered to take part. If you would like to help do come and talk to us.
The third session with the Queenshill gardeners will be at church on Tuesday 31st. 10am -3pm. There will be a film, lunch and then activities that all are invited to. Links with our community are invaluable so do try to call in
The following weekend is part of our Jubilee celebrations and it is also Pentecost on that Sunday. John Sherbourne is leading the worship.
Following the Pentecost service we need help to set out the tables and chairs for our big car park party. If the weather is bad it will be in the Sanctuary. We will also be screening the live festival from London. Everyone is welcome to join us at 1 – 4pm. Church is providing sandwiches, from a local caterer, some cakes/ scones and ice creams. It’s free to come and join in the fun and fellowship. The only thing we ask is you bring something for the table to share with others. Crisp, biscuits, fruit, vegetable sticks, pies, quiche, cakes etc. anything that can be easily eaten with fingers. Please ensure it is prepared, cut up and ready to put straight onto the tables. Label any plates or bowls you need returning. Dress in red, white and blue to celebrate the Jubilee as we wish her Majesty well for her long service.
Please be assured that the Deaconate is working as quickly as possible to put in a meeting for members to discuss the future. We do need and want your input. We are being stretched at present as we try to deal with everything due to various circumstances. Some of the LT have pressing work commitments. Two are away on sick leave. Others are running weekly events.
There are a number of things we are trying to deal with, including recruiting a new admin assistant and ensuring a written hand over is available especially on the H&S side.
Pastorally we need, along with the pastoral team, to ensure that people are covered as we have had a number of new people joining us and certain needs in the membership to consider.
Not excuses just by way of explanation! 
If anyone feels able to support us please let us know.
Karen, Geoff, Paddy, Zac, Phil, Diane and John 
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