Another terrific effort as Jenny and her team push our Ukraine Support Fund to over £12,500

At 1pm MBC’s Ukraine Support Fund stood at a little over £11.500 Three hours later that total has risen by a magnificent £1,363. 

Once again, in what’s proves year by year to be one of our most succesful fundraisers our annual plant sale didn’t disappoint. 

Besides scores of plants – everything from apple mint to sunflowers – the kitchen crew contributed almost £200 whilst a table of hand made craft more than held its own. 

The few plants that are left will be available to buy following Sunday’s communion service and for Beacon regulars it looks as if Monday’s session will have a selection of real goodies on offer.

Many thanks to Jenny, Nicky and the rest of the team. Planning, setting up, tending the tables, “manning” the kitchen, taking the cash and in particular tidying away are not east tasks.

But extra special thanks to eveyone who grew and donated plants, without you none of this would have been possible.  

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