As I left the church building the other day, I noticed how bumpy the road currently is due to resurfacing work to improve the roundabout. The roundabout is closed between 9 and 2.30pm on weekdays for another week after today but when it’s done, the road should be a lot smoother and the potholes will have gone. On Tuesday night at the church meeting, I mentioned that the picture of the resurfacing plans had stuck in my mind and reminded me of the Israelites in the wilderness. In Deuteronomy 2:3 God says to them, you have gone round in circles long enough; turn northward. The Israelites could have made the journey they were on in 11 days but it took them much longer for all sorts of reasons. However sometimes the road is rough and the path not clear and there are potholes. I shared that I felt God say not to just fill in the potholes but engage with a full resurfacing of the road. It means for a time the road is bumpier and messier and it takes longer to make journeys, the regular exits and entrances may alter so people’s directions may change for a time, but in the long run, the road will be better, not just for those who journey on it now but also in the future. Lets keep praying for God to show what He wants us to be and do. Tomorrow the road is open, but you may feel the bumps.
Its café church at 11am tomorrow so hot drinks and pastries and fruit are available as you come in. We look forward to continuing our lent series on Increase and Decrease in the wilderness…as we look at Matthew 14:13-21 with all ages together.
Rock Solid groups are on in the evening for youth 7-8pm. Do ask Martyn, Val, Adam, Nathan or myself if you want more information on attending or helping.
On the 9th March, Andy Kind (click on this link if you want to find out more) Andy Kind – Promedian (Preacher + Comedian… if you had to ask) will be coming to lead a workshop for those interested in how to put a message/talk together. Its 10-4pm in the building and its kindly being paid for by church, we just ask that you bring some lunch. If you want to book on please email admin@moortown.baptist.church.org.uk or call church on (0113) 2693750. For more information speak to Nathan or Shelley.
On Easter Sunday we are opening up the baptism pool for Easter baptisms. If you have been thinking about this or you want to talk about it then do get in touch with me for a chat and we’ll be pleased to journey with you.
Next Sunday we meet again at 11am in church and there will be a small group during the talk for children to explore the theme. We’ll be looking at Matthew 14:22-36.
Other things going on over the next few weeks…
Monday 4th March 10-12midday beacon warm welcome space
Tuesday 5th March 10 – 11.30pm under 5’s group for children and their parents and carers
Tuesday afternoon – housegroup in the building
Wednesday 6th March – lunchclub for those booked in and the volunteer team (see Rachel Beedle or Lesley for more information)
Wednesday 6th March 7.30pm evening housegroup in church
Thursday 7th March Warm welcome space craft group 2-4pm
Thursday 7th March bible study on Daniel – see Gareth Gadd, at 7pm in the church building.
Friday 8th March – 10am bible study with Carol and Robert Owen, please see them or myself if you are interested
Saturday 9th March – Workshop 10-4pm with Andy Kind in church
Sunday 10th March – Sunday church looking at Matthew 14: 22-36 with small group looking at the theme in a creative way for our younger friends
Sunday 10th March – 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth, two groups meet in the building at the same time, see Val Boyd, Adam Argyle, Nathan Dring or Martyn Grey
Sunday 17th March – we are having a bring and share lunch after the service so feel free to bring something to share. Please make sure it is prepared as there won’t be space to make things up in the kitchen. If things need to go in the fridge we’ll get as much as we can in there. It will be an opportunity to just get together, share and be during this lent season. As we talk about God providing food in the wilderness its good to be able to thank God for all he gives and trust Him with what comes in!
Wednesday 20th March – Easter Wednesday worship with communion at 1.30pm
Tuesday 26th March – 7.30pm Church meeting with updates, prayer and election of deacons
Friday 29th March – Good Friday worship and activities in the morning.. times tba.. there may be a walk in the afternoon.
Sunday 31st March – Easter Sunday 11am all together worship with Easter egg Hunt and baptisms
In Christ
Shelley Dring