In addition to the money to support Ukrainian refugees, we have also recently been able to send £4,750 to the churches we are linked with in Romania for their work in the local community.
Florin Fodor, an elder at Manastur church in Cluj said “We need to keep a healthy balance between the work among the refugees and other ministry activities we are called to do.”
The money we have sent is to be used as follows:
· £1,500 to Manastur Baptist Church in Cluj for work among young people, meeting needs in the congregation and bursaries for Christian students.
· £1,000 to the gypsy church in the village of Floresti near Cluj towards the salary of pastor Iosif Hoca, needs in this very poor congregation and for the salary of an assistant.
· £500 to support Florin and Dana Fodor in their work with university students through the Campus Crusade organisation.
· £250 to Nicu and Rita Reparuc for their work through the Bethany House in Cluj providing accommodation in a Christian environment to people with limited finances and in need of somewhere to stay.
· £1,500 to Zsuzsi & Andor, Noemi & Csaba for them to use in supporting youth work and needs in the Hungarian speaking congregations in Udvarhely and Cserefalva.
This has been possible because of your generous giving and also by the money raised through the plant sale last year.
We have received the following message from Manastur Baptist Church in Cluj.
Dear brothers in Leeds, Thank you and we appreciate all your support so far! God reward you! Thank you for the projects of the church that you continue to support and we are glad to see that you want to support new projects such as the work of the Fodor family with Alege Viata! We continue to make food packages and financial support for people in need both in the church and in church branches or friends of the church. The work with young people is growing, they also organised last year, in addition to the summer camp and two outings over the year, two youth conferences attended by other young people from the Christian community in Cluj. We will continue to support the young people in our church by providing financial support. We also continue to support the salary of Brother Hoca Iosif at the church in Floresti. This year I supported with an occasional monthly help a brother who helps the work in Floresti. We, as well as the church, support the church in Floresti with the payment of gas and electricity utilities, costs that have increased recently. We want the Lord’s blessing on the work of your church in Leeds!
With appreciation,
Baptist Church No. 1 Cluj-Manastur