Play, stay, study and pray (plus of course food glorious food)

Ben Powell has devised a brilliant plan to incorporate sport, bible study, prayer and food. However, for this to work Ben needs your help. Here’s Ben’s suggestions together with his contact details.

We are looking to build a group within the Church who might be interested in the following:


– meeting to play some sport

– going back to someone’s home for food and conversation

– some time in prayer and focused study of the bible 

Ethos and accessibility:

– anyone is welcome to be part of the group

– there is a commitment to play, eat after and study 

– if you are part of the group you feel OK to host at some point


– a core team need to coordinate activity, hire a sport venue and ensure someone can host for food and study

– meet once every 6 weeks

– different types of sport (e.g. football, badminton, bowls, table tennis, snooker, squash etc- rotational)

– roughly 3-4 hours of your time

– the group co-fund the sport venue

Could you email Ben Powell ( if you are: 

1) interested in being part of this group

2) you would like to be a core team member who will help coordinate 

3) outline any sports/activities that you particularly enjoy

Ben will then arrange an initial core meeting to set up the first number of dates/venues/homes and then communicate this to the wider group. 

Oasis café and Moortots – Tuesday and Thursday mornings – chill, chat and play

Moortots and our Oasis café are for everyone: that’s babes in arms, big brothers (either with or without their little sisters), toddlers, parents, child-minders, carers, grandmas, granddads… I think that covers just about everyone! 

Both are great fun and whilst there are differences they both always offer some fantastic craft activities, role play, sand and play dough etc. They’re also planned to give each of our young visitors the chance to play with or on a range of age-appropriate puzzles, toys, bikes and cars.

On Thursdays our Moortots sessions always rounds off with singing time but before that we provide light refreshments, birthday cards, craft materials and at Christmas there’s never a year goes by without a visit from you know who always arrives weighed down with gifts.

If you’re still a bit confused as to what’s the difference is between Moortots and Oasis let Shelley Dring our Children and Families Lead explain: “Oasis is a toddler friendly café that runs from 9.15am till 11.45am on Tuesdays during term time.  It takes place in our church’s large sanctuary space which means that adults are free to sit back, relax and chat whilst their children play safely within view. At MBC we believe that those caring for young children need a bit of time for themselves, so Oasis café is a place where they know they will be listened to, cared for and encouraged. Moortots, meanwhile, is perhaps how you would imaging a more traditional toddler club to be”.

As for cost, well, Oasis (that’s Tuesday mornings between 9.15am and 11.45am) costs £1 for an adult and 50p a child whereas Moortots (Thursdays, between 9.45am until 11.30) costs £1.00 for the first child and 50p for subsequent children. Both of course include coffee, juice and refreshments.

Right now our Friday Moortots is on hold.  However, if anyone is interested in coming along and/or helping could you get in touch with me, that’s Shelley Dring, Children and Families Lead, Moortown Baptist Church, 0113 269 3750. Email

There’s a gallery of pictures we took recently at Moortots and Oasis here. If you would like to see a larger version of any of them simply click on the image.



Treasure and Heart – Graham’s blog

Jesus said: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6: 21)  Your treasure tells the story of your heart. What you value most, it is the basis of your passion, energy and thinking.

Now Jesus urged us to value heaven most; the kingdom of heaven, the rule and way of God shown in Jesus. This is a noble and unfailing focus for our priorities and values. Our treasure being in Jesus and in God’s rule describes the orientation and values of a follower of Jesus.

That is the big question Jesus poses. But other more nuanced questions follow: If your treasure is in Jesus what other treasures is it displacing or what else is fighting for treasure status for us?

I have to say I am never 100% going for it with Jesus, as much as I wish I was. If I recognize this I can become aware of competing priorities. Then I can face and address them. If we don’t see or acknowledge competing motivations then they will run wild.

I know that Jesus is primarily addressing the motivation of money and possessions. But his words can also apply to status and power. It could be that my treasure is my position, my role – that is what my heart is set on. That is challenging; have I ever realized that I am wedded to the role I play and can’t let go or struggle to see others take a key role? If so then position and power have become my treasure – even for a good cause.

Jesus goes a little further saying; “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth…” Matthew 6: 19
Storing up treasure, draws our attention to the process I go about accumulating treasure. I can also be aware to processes I am going about to generate treasure. Storing up is about the ways we go about reaching our goals. So, we may ask – how am I going about storing up treasure? What is my method of investment? Supporting others, praying, giving or simply watching from the sidelines? Am I seeking a noble aim in an unhealthy way?

My last question is about the relationship between heart, treasure and storing up.

In recent weeks I have had many conversations with people looking at their priorities, passions and balance of life. Your treasure tells the story of your heart, your heart needs to be expressed in living. In this, I am aware that we all hold priorities that we care about and that we have a deep need and potential to play a specific part in reaching that priority. If heart, treasure and storing up are not in harmony we experience disheartening imbalance.

For some this is a question of admitting what these things are? For some it is creating space in the midst of work and family pressures to allow heart, treasure and storing up to grow. Maybe we need to order life and work, maybe we need to do something differently?

So we can ask: What is my treasure – what matters to me most?
How am I storing up – what am I doing to contribute to what matters to me?
In what I am doing am I doing things a bad way, a good way and could there be a better way?

So, without a doubt, Jesus is talking about our ultimate treasure in him and the priority of the Kingdom. Clearly we cannot adjust to this and turn from misplaced ways without Jesus’ help and our intent.

It is worth taking a deeper look at our treasure, heart and storing up and in the process to remember that a person is worth what the object of their heart is worth. From Jesus this is both a gift and a challenge.

Graham Brownlee, October 2019

As Shelley and James are commissioned MBC recognises and celebrates the importance of its children’s, youth and family ministry

Sunday’s Commissioning Service for Shelley Dring and James Wilde was far more than a time of welcome and blessing for two new members of staff. As the centrepiece of a service based around the theme of how ancient stones designed for one purpose can come to life and take on a new role the event was actually a recognition and celebration of all the work carried out by MBC’s Children and Youth teams.

In what might perhaps be described as a cross between a high five conga and the age old children’s nursery rhythm Oranges and Lemons the entire congregation were invited to weave their way between two columns of youngsters before those who actually serve on team (upwards of forty people) found themselves standing at the front of church.

I’m sure that for Shelley, our Children and Family Worker and for James, our Pioneer Youth Lead it was a very special day. However, I’m equally certain that for the whole MBC family it was a reminder of just how much emphasise the church continues to put on the nurture, spiritual growing and support of all.

The gallery below shows some more pictures taken on the day. To see a larger copy of any of them simply click on the image.




Ping pong pensioners

Okay so maybe it’s not the most energetic game of table tennis you’ve ever seen but you have to agree that with a combined age of 186 both of our players deserve gold!

John Hornby kindly sent in this video which he shot at this week’s Lunch Club, and which shows Raymond Newton and Jean Hiley.  Who won remains a mystery.

What next I wonder: hurling, curling, quoits?  

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