Dear friends
Tomorrow we light our next Advent candle, another light in the darkness as we journey towards Christmas and celebrate Jesus’ arrival. As we shared last week, Advent means ‘coming’ or arrival and some say for the follower of Jesus, there are three advents; the coming of Jesus in Bethlehem that we celebrate at Christmas, the coming of Jesus individually to each of us as we recognise who Jesus is in our lives as Lord, saviour and friend, and Jesus coming again when …..
This weekend we have a great opportunity to share the hope of Christmas with others at the Carnival Christmas at 1.30-3.30pm, do pop down and again tomorrow morning at 11am in our Advent 2 service and then at 3pm with the Toddler Nativity. Do pray for all those coming as well as all those who have been planning over the last few weeks and helping over the weekend.
You can pick up a Christmas Card in church to take home and give to friends and family with some of our Christmas gatherings on. Do check out the website www.moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk for a full list.
This week looks like this..
Sunday 8th December Advent 2 Continuing the theme of ‘Down to earth’ 11am service with a small group so that younger ones can explore the story creatively
Sunday 8th Stepping Stones Nativity 3-4pm do come along and support them and welcome all those who come on a Tuesday with their little ones.
Sunday 8th December Rock Solid group for youth is earlier this week as many are involved in the Toddler nativity. They’ll meet after the nativity at 4.30 for a Christmas Escape Room and pizzas at 5.30pm
There’s beacon café, housegroups, lunch club, Stepping Stones Christmas Party and Wednesday Worship Christmas special on Wednesday 11th at 1.30pm. Craft group is on 2-4pm in the building. There will be no Friday morning housegroup next week. All the others are on as usual.
On Thursday the funeral of Julie Ridsdill takes place at Lawnswood Crematorium at 11.30am and at Moortown Baptist Church at 12.30pm with refreshments to follow. You are invited to come along. Julie’s favourite colour was purple so you may want to wear something with purple on.
Next Sunday we have our Advent 3 service with a separate group for younger ones, followed by carol singing (see Rachel) with a small group visiting a local home for elderly people. Then at 3pm it’s the wreath making workshop. Its filling up so if you would like to come or bring others then do book in advance with Lesley next week by calling or emailing as we can’t guarantee a place on the day as we like to make sure you have all the resources you need. £10 a wreath
We have a church nativity on Sunday 22nd December, if you would be up for being involved can you let me know! More news to come.
See you soon
In Christ