Sarah Meyer talks about how she and her family are adapting to the challenges set by Covid-19

Sarah and Ben Meyer are a young couple who like many thousands of others have suddenly found their lives turned upside down.

For mum Sarah, who recently left a job in marketing to spend more time at home with Issy, 5 and 16 month old Charlotte, plus to study for a degree in psychology things are as you can imagine pretty full on. For Ben, an IT Manager with a firm of financial advisors the change to full time working from home is no less a challenge.

Having seen the pictures Sarah and Ben have been sending in to our Family @ 4 feature we invited Sarah to tell us about her day – this is what she said.

Hi, since I gave up my full time job I have only been working one day a week, leading baby and toddler music and sensory classes and as I’m no longer doing that I’m free to look after the kids then do my uni study on an evening and sometimes in Ben’s lunch break. This is when he takes on the play leader role.

In theory I suppose we do have a loose timetable, some sort of routine but to be honest we take it day by day. So usually it’s PE in the morning; Joe Wicks, Kids Yoga or another You Tube class then story and snack time. Following that I’ll prepare a selection of tasks that school has set and Issy chooses what she wants to do until it’s time for lunch. If we aren’t already in the garden that’s also time to play outside.

Usually afternoons are just free to do anything we like. Quite often we’ll do a bit of reading or do some more work on our rainbows badge. If the weather’s good we’re either in and out of the garden or off on a walk; if not then we’ll stay in and watch a bit of Cbeebies.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays we go on-line and join in with Shelley, Rowan and Daisy as they present Oasis and Moortots – the girls love this and it’s great for us all to know that people who we might normally all be sitting and playing with will also be watching.

Some days, like today we’ve not yet done anything that school has set because Issy doesn’t really want to. But that doesn’t mean we’re not still learning. I love free play, to me it’s the best. So that means that for today, and for any others like it we believe that in addition to learning to dance to the Greatest Showman, making shapes and counting in the sand pit, “baking” playdough biscuits, seeing how big our caterpillars have grown and playing hopscotch are all perfect ways to learn.

As for Charlotte, she just sort of falls in with what we are all doing albeit in her own way; right now she too is dancing to the Greatest Showman. But she’s really good at amusing herself. Yes she has the odd tantrum and occasional she naps but I guess in a way at 16 months old she’s the least affected of us all.

One thing we did do last week we really enjoyed we called Rainbows and Hope. It involved making our rainbows to join in with the rainbow trails that are springing up across the world. This soon started a discussion about why we were doing a rainbow, so as part of Issy’s “RE lesson” we all looked at the story of Noah and the Ark. And this is what we decided.

At the moment it feels as though we are in the ark, not being able to go out very much and not being able to see our friends. But Noah trusted God and he knew that by staying in the ark he was keeping his family and all the creatures safe. At the end of the flood God put a rainbow in the sky as His promise that He would never destroy the earth again. Every time God saw the rainbow He would remember his promise.

The rainbow was sign of peace from God and of hope that all will be fine at the end of the storm. When we go out on our daily exercise we look for rainbows in the house windows and are reminded of God’s promise to us.

There are a couple of links here to some videos we have made: one shows the girls joining in last Sunday’s Church at Home Service, and the other is them negotiating our home-made obstacle course.

Watching Church at Home… a viewers guide

To watch MBC’s Sunday morning service you need to google

The first and the final parts of the service are live, that’s 10.45am to 10.55 and then again from 11.30am to 11.45.

In between these live streams there are a number of pre-recorded items such as an informal chat from one of the MBC families, some exercises, prayer, a mini sermon and two or three hymns/songs.

The link that you need to go to to choose which of these you want to watch will also be showing on the Facebook page you are watching. It is a link to Youtube. So when the first live bit finishes, click on the Youtube link displayed and either one by one select the features you are interested in or click on the first one and they will open up automatically one after the other.

At 11.30am Graham or Shona come back live. If you happen to be watching something else when they do you will be given a reminder on screen that MBC is live again.

Every service is stored at which means it is available to be viewed at any time; obviously as more and more material is posted on the MBC Facebook page it means the item you are looking for will have moved further down the page but don’t panic, don’t give up, scroll down and you will find it.

One thing, however, you do need to be aware of is that in my experience the precise procedures for watching anything online do differ depending on which type of device you are using. By that I mean that a mobile phone, a tablet and a laptop may not all act the same. The advice above relates to a lap-top but don’t worry too much because the catch up i.e. the recording that is stored immediately following each service at www.facebook/moortownbaptistchurch is accessible via all devices.


An appeal for support – a message from Graham and Shona. Join the 14 people who have already volunteered

Alongside keeping in contact with one another we are aware that there are needs to basic practical support at this time.
This is mainly about doing essential shopping, picking up medication and running other basic errands. None of these involve personal physical contact contrary to government advice.

This is a kindness we can show. This will be a useful service to some of our church members and of course to our neighbours.

As a church we have signed up to the neighbourhood welfare hub being run by Leeds City Council / Voluntary Action Leeds. Via this we will receive some referrals of local people with needs.

If you are able to offer such service and are not self-isolating please contact Graham on 07979343857 or Shona on 07735458661 to offer your help. Referrals will come through them.

We need to build up a list of volunteers.


Graham and Shona

OK so maybe they’re not Cliff and Hank, but if you want a good laugh have a look at this!

It all started this morning when John Sherbourne said on Facebook that he had “designated today a Cliff Richard and the Shadows day,” meaning that for the first time in ages this lack of freedom we are all experiencing had given him the opportunity to work his way through his not inconsiderable collection of Cliff and the Shads CDs.

Fast forward three hours and Steve Scaife, another MBC member old enough to know better also pops up on Facebook not only to comment on John’s original post but, from the comfort of his lounge to perform one of Cliff’s biggest, if in this case wholly inappropriately named hits The Young Ones.

Ever one for a challenge this spurs John into action. First job dust off the old guitar, find a plectrum and dig out one of his seldom used You be Hank backing tracks.

You can see and hear the result of both posts here, first Steve’s and then John’s version of Apache… it may not surprise you that so far neither (particularly John) have been offered any work!



Church at Home 2 – catch up here, and a word of encouragement for those who are wary about Facebook

If you missed our second Church at Home Service this morning or you saw it live and would like to watch it again here are the links that you need to follow. Once again our time together was made up with a mix of live streaming and material that had been pre-recorded. Contributors today were Graham and Margaret, Shona, Phil Commons, the Powell family, the Chukwuenweniwe’s, Ramayah and Abi.

Graham’s welcome:

The Youtube inserts:…

Graham live again for the end of the service:

Talking about Facebook, I’m still finding people who for one reason or another are adamant that they will not sign up to Facebook, and are therefore missing out on the opportunity to join in our services. To you I say this… YOU DO NOT, REPEAT DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN UP, REGISTER OR GIVE ANY PERSONAL DETAILS TO FACEBOOK TO WATCH OUR CHURCH AT HOME SERVICES.

No, all you need do is enter into where you normally enter anything else you are “googling” press enter and hey presto you land on our Facebook page even before you’ve had time to say “I hate Facebook.”  Then it’s just a matter of scrolling down the page until you reach the post you want to view.



Caring For Life – April Prayers

We had a message recently from Pam Parkinson at Caring For Life in which she told us about a short film that their CEO Jonathan had made about the particular challenges they face at the dreadful time.

You can watch this film by following this link and you can see their April Prayer requests below.

Church at Home 2 – 10.45am Sunday 29th March. To join us just follow either of the links below

Here at MBC we are continuing to follow the Try Praying/Catching the Wave themes for Lent just as we would if we were all meeting together. These are: 29th March Restoring and Rebuilding; 5th April (Palm Sunday) Grace – coming into the city with grace, love, sacrifice and hope and 12th April, Easter Sunday, Purpose – the redeeming and inviting purpose of God in Jesus.

So for this Sunday via this link our theme is Restoring and Rebuilding and the running order for our service is as follows.

From just before 10.45am and again at 11.30am a live Stream with Graham

Between these “live” we have a number of easy to access Youtube posts which this week include: a song and hymn playlist; Get up and get active with Phil Commons; Hello MBC with the Chukwenuweniwe’s; a bible reading: Nehemiah 2: 1-8 by Ramayah Peter; Unpacking the story with the Powell family; a talk from Shona and finally prayers led by Abi and Sam Tilley

The sign up details are the same as last week

Remember the live streams will be at the beginning and end of the programme.


Following on from the success of Oasis Cafe, Moortots also goes live on line – 11am Thursdays

Following on from Tuesday’s on-line Oasis Café Shelley once again enlisted the help of Rowan and Daisy to bring us Moortots. Quarter an hour of story telling, requests, singing and chat broadcast live via was great.

All being well both Oasis Café (Tuesday at 11am) and Moortots (Thursdays also at 11) will be regular features, so if you haven’t already done so it’s worth making a note of these two web addresses; the first one for the church, this is a really effective way of getting news to you quickly and the second one specifically for Oasis and Moortots.

PS If you missed either Oasis Café or Moortots, or you would like to see them again simply go to the moortots link above and you’ll find it there.


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