Holiday Bible Club Consent form

Parental Consent Form – Follow HBC 2016

 SECTION A:  Details for the child

First name:_______________________

Last Name________________________

Date of Birth _____________________



Town: ____________________________



Tel number: ________________________

Email address _____________________

Mobile Number ____________________

School  __________________________


SECTION B: Medical and Dietary Information

GP’s Name _________________________

GP’s Address __________________________________



GP’s Tel number (______) _____________


Relevant Medical details (attach on a separate sheet  if necessary)



Has your daughter/son been vaccinated against Tetanus?               YES/NO

In an emergency, if you cannot be contacted, are you willing for your son/daughter to receive necessary hospital treatment including an anaesthetic?                                     YES/NO

Do you consent for your child to be transported by ambulance with a member of church staff?               YES/NO

Dietary requirements:___________


National health number




SECTION C – Emergency contact information

Name _____________________________

Address ___________________________


Tel number:___________________________

Name _____________________________

Address ___________________________


Tel number:___________________________

SECTION D – Declaration and consent

 I confirm that I have parental responsibility for the above named person.  I have read and understood the enclosed information regarding this activity and consent to him/her participating in all the activities(see over the page).  I consent to photographs and video footage being taken for the purposes of (please circle):

Group              Display boards                        Website           Advertising      All        None

To the best of my knowledge all the information contained on this form is correct and up to date.

Signed: ___________________________     Print name: _______________________































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