I would like to thank Rod Russell and Paul Chadwick for giving up their time so willingly to paint the office for the new Seniors worker, Rachel Beedle. It has made a big difference as we have been able to now set the room up with the resources she will need for her work. Rachel actually starts with us after half term but will be at Lunch Club for two weeks before that to get to meet the regulars and the teams.
However, Rachel’s isn’t the only office currently undergoing a clean up. After a very smart coat of paint Shelley has moved into what used to be one of the minister’s offices with the other, smaller one being given over to a Deacon’s Resource Room. Kate meanwhile is now in what used to be Shelley and James’s office.
Thanks also to Nicky Gibb, Megan Hornby and Diane Sunter who have worked so hard to tidy and sort the cupboards and drawers in other rooms, and of course to Hilary Darling and her team for the work they did in the old church hall.
Like every good bottoming (as my old granny used to call it) the exercise threw up several items that had somehow become separated from their owners; these are now in the lost property box.
Karen Ross