All change as Kate, Shelley and newcomer Rachel move into new offices… and there’s even a space for your Deacons.

I would like to thank Rod Russell and Paul Chadwick for giving up their time so willingly to paint the office for the new Seniors worker, Rachel Beedle. It has made a big difference as we have been able to now set the room up with the resources she will need for her work. Rachel actually starts with us after half term but will be at Lunch Club for two weeks before that to get to meet the regulars and the teams. 
However, Rachel’s isn’t the only office currently undergoing a clean up. After a very smart coat of paint Shelley has moved into what used to be one of the minister’s offices with the other, smaller one being given over to a Deacon’s Resource Room. Kate meanwhile is now in what used to be Shelley and James’s office.
Thanks also to Nicky Gibb, Megan Hornby and Diane Sunter who have worked so hard to tidy and sort the cupboards and drawers in other rooms, and of course to Hilary Darling and her team for the work they did in the old church hall. 
Like every good bottoming (as my old granny used to call it) the exercise threw up several items that had somehow become separated from their owners; these are now in the lost property box. 
Karen Ross

Bringing in the sheaves from reading Romans

Harvesting Romans on 2 December

People are reading Paul’s letter to the Romans this month.  They are all welcome to share their findings with other readers on Thursday, 2 December, either at 12 to 2pm or at 7 to 9 pm.  

We will talk with one another about

discoveries we have made

directives for faith and action

questions we want answered

disagreements with Romans

delight with Romans

Come ready to contribute to our shared learning.

If you did not get to the starter meeting on 4 November, don’t let that stop you from coming on 2 December.  You still have time to read some of Romans before then and you will be welcome. 

Lockdown crafts and tabletop sale

We have now set a new date for our Tabletop Sale; it’s Saturday the 20th of November between 2 and 4pm. Each table will cost £10, and all profits will go directly to the Leeds and Moortown Furniture Store.  

Already items are mounting. We have cards, pictures, Christmas decorations, Romanian crafts and gifts, Body shop gifts, knitted items, jewellery and plants. If you would like a table, or even perhaps just half a table please contact Karen Ross.

As the sale will take place in the Sanctuary, and to ensure we don’t fall foul of any Covid recommendations facemasks must be worn and we will be operating a strict one-way system. This means that visitors will come in by the main, front door – buy lots of gifts – and then leave by the door next to the Music Room.

Entry of course is free, so what better way to snap up some crafty Christmas stocking fillers.

Oh, and if anyone would like to help us on the day itself then please speak to one of us in person or drop an email to

Lockdown Crafts.

Also, some of us have been wondering if during any of the lockdowns you discovered a hidden talent? It could be anything: knitting, crochetry, woodwork, paper crafts, painting etc. etc.

If you did and you would like to share something with us, on the Sunday that we are thinking about ‘Hands’ that’s Sunday November 7th we would like to put on an exhibition featuring some if not all the things you have made.

As we’ve been hearing over the last few weeks, MBC, as the body of Christ, is made up of so many different parts, so many different people each with their own individual talents so what better way of demonstrating these gifts than by loaning whatever it is you’ve made for display in church. 

Again if you do have something you want to share with us please speak to any member of the Leadership Team or email us on

Many thanks


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