The Great MBC Easter Egg Hunt… see all our letters here and unravel our mystery message

Today we are showing you all the letters that make up our special Easter message. All you need do is jot them down and unscramble them. All the eggs and the letters have been created by members of our Children and Families Team, and I think you will agree with me that they have all done a terrific job.

So (in no particular order) we have an O from Hilary, Y from Anita, H from Claire, R from Angela, a P from Gwynneth, S from Mary, E from Jane, E from Celia, E from Sheila, P from Eilidh, E from Sarah, R from David, E from Diane, T from Sammy, A from Anne, N from Rochelle, A from Pauline, V from Sue, Y from Roger and finally an exclamation mark from Jan.

There’s a collage here of everyone all jumbled up but to keep things tidy we have also put all our pictures into one gallery which means all you have to do now is click on each picture and make a note of the letter.

We have also posted all these on the MBC Facebook page, on the Moortots Facebook page and on the families Whatsapp group. 

*Just a reminder that normal safeguarding rules apply so children should only access Facebook if they are with an adult.



Observing Good Friday with us.

On your phone, on your tablet or on a computer you can join Moortown Baptist Church’s “Church at Home” virtual Good Friday service.

We share a reflection at the cross on Good Friday. Through words, music, prayer and art we follow Jesus’ journey of trial, crucifixion and burial.

Ahead of a virtual 10.30 start the service content is being posted here and on our Facebook page at 10.15am which means you can either view it then or at any point through the day.

To see the material please click on

Remember also you can find more content and our Sunday live streams at

Join us for our Easter Service on 12.04.2020 at 10.45am from our Facebook page.

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday – important information

Dear MBC family

We wanted to let you know that you can join in with our Easter Journey at MBC by following the link to our Maundy Thursday communion pattern and night prayer  which you can follow at home: 

And coming up…….

On Good Friday at 10.30 look out for the links on our website and on Facebook to watch our 10.30 Good Friday Service on Youtube.

And on Easter Sunday join us on Facebook for our Easter Celebration  at 10.45 for our livestream and  pre-recorded service.

We hope that you will feel part of our church community in whatever way you find to connect.

With Love and Easter Blessings,

Shona Shaw


Maundy Thursday: Gathering as the Household of Jesus Christ – your Order of Service

Maundy Thursday

Gathering as the Household of Christ Jesus

*You can download and print out a copy of this Order of Service by going to the link at the bottom of this page.

Whether you live alone or with others, we invite you to ‘gather’ together after your evening meal on Thursday 9th April.

Gathering as the household might mean:

  • over the phone,
  • with an app like Zoom, WhatsApp, Houseparty
  • physically with the members of your household.

However you do it, we join together as members of Christ’s household. You will need:

Bread, or crackers, or cake/biscuit to break and share

Wine, or fruit juice, squash, water to drink

Candle and matches


Optional: turn off all mobiles/notifications/TV. Anything that will distract you.

Once you have shared your evening meal use the following to help us go on our Easter journey together. Take it in turns to read parts.

Set the bread and wine on the table

Pause and take a moment to be quiet.

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, we meet with you in this city,

We gather across streets and postcodes,

As your household,

Separate but connected in your Name.

Meet with us now as we remember you.


Read: Matthew 26: 17-25

Pause and ask a question (members of your gathering can ask one another these questions)

What was Judas feeling and thinking after the meal?

What was Jesus feeling and thinking after the meal?

What were the disciples feeling and thinking after the meal?

Read: Matthew 26: 26-30

Thanksgiving Prayer

 On the night you were betrayed by your dear friend,

You took bread and wine.

The ordinary things of this world made special by your blessing:

For when we break the bread we remember your body broken for us.

When we drink the wine we remember your blood poured out for us.

We thank you that we can taste your forgiveness at this table, Lord Jesus


Serve one another with the bread and wine (or your substitutions)

Prayers of intercession:

We pray for your church across our city,

may we be faithful to you

even when the way ahead is marked with uncertainty and suffering.

We pray for those who are facing a difficult future, give them courage to follow the one who has gone before.

We pray for those who are tempted to do harm to themselves or others, deliver them from evil.

And for those who feel betrayed, Lord may they continue to show mercy, and put their trust in you.

For as you taught us so we pray:

Our Father in heaven

Hallowed be your name

Your kingdom come

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us today our daily bread

And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver from evil

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours

Now and forever


Sing or play a song

(suggestions: Abide with Me, Matt Redman)

To close say the Grace to one another:

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen

As the disciples moved out to the Mount of Olives, so we get on with our evening routine.

[Before we go to sleep, we are invited to join in with these night prayers that focus on the rest of Chapter 26. You might do these alone rather than in a ‘gathered’ way or choose to reconnect later in the evening.]

Night Prayers ‘Watch and Pray’

Light a candle

Read: Matthew 26: 31-56



Help us to watch and pray this night, Lord Jesus.

For the darkness grows round us

And we are cut adrift on our fears.

The hour of your trial is near,

Help us to watch and pray.

O Lord have mercy on us,

Christ have mercy.


Blow out the candle.



Family @ 4 – creepy crawly caterpillars, cuppas, DIY, cycling and there’s even a link to some good old rock and roll

Family @ 4 is designed especially to keep us connected. How it works is you are invited to send in pictures of what you are doing at 4 o’clock in the afternoon (give or take a minute or two) Monday to Friday. 

We’ve now added some pictures that came in on Thursday and Friday to our original gallery, something we’ll do every day. The additions are busy bee Rowan in the kitchen making a pie and collecting sticks, David still digging his border out, Gracie reminding Kate that 4 o’clock is tea time, Gwynneth’s picture of a near deserted Harrogate Road, young Master Laws mending his bike, some imaginative home schooling from Sarah Meyer one element of which includes caterpillars (don’t ask), Ethan Dodd all ready to start painting the ceiling and from anon some genuine blue sky thinking.

Our first posts showed Rowan and Daisy Dring out and about putting daffodils on neighbours doorsteps, David Gladman digging for victory whilst Sue adopts a more relaxing attitude, some lovely artwork created by Cas and John S enjoying a welcome cuppa after a marathon fence painting session.

As you can see none of this can be classed as what purists might think of as being particularly “churcy.” But that’s the point: MBC isn’t a building; it’s people, real people, people who do ordinary things like painting fences, digging ditches, mucking out rabbit hutches and washing cars.

In these times when social distancing or indeed social isolation are our watchwords we need to remember that what binds “church” together is love for Jesus, and it is this love and the “church’s” endeavours to show the compassion that his life, death and resurrection inspires that will carry us through this crisis.

So come on don’t be shy, as 4pm approaches grab your camera or your phone (selfies and videos encouraged) and when you’ve captured this golden moment go to the MBC Facebook page and send it to us via the messages button.  

*Latest editions are Issy Meyer’s rainbow, Josh and Howard Slater making a bench press and a couiple of pictures of Phil, Jane and Sam on their daily bike ride.

CLIFF AND HANK. Elsewhere on the website there is a story about Steve Scaife and John Sherbourne and how what started off as a bit of light hearted banter has turned into quite a feature. How long they can keep it up remains to be seen but the daily Facebook posts that Steve, an accomplished musician and John who for 50 years wanted to be Cliff Richard and all his Shadows are certainly putting a lot of smiles on lots of faces.  You can see the full story by following this link

And if you want to follow their daily posts just visit Facebook and search for John Sherbourne and Steve Scaife and prepare to be amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!



If you need support the MBC Pastoral Team is here to help

It’s at times like this that we need each other more than ever. Self-distancing and self-isolation are horrible; they stand against everything we hold dear. That’s why, with Jane Coates as their coordinator a team made up of pastorally trained volunteers is never more than a phone call away.

So if you want someone to talk with, to pray with or maybe just to listen don’t hesitate to call either Graham on 07979343857 or Shona on 07735458661 and they will arrange for someone to call you.

Of course talking, praying and listening aren’t things that are confined our “official” Pastoral Team. In fact just the opposite, they are things we can all do. So over the next few weeks and months when you are speaking with friends and neighbours please don’t feel embarrassed about suggesting that you pray together – you never know it might be exactly what’s required.





Church at Home week 3 – Palm Sunday, 5th April

This week Church at Home will celebrate Palm Sunday with a question: Where were you when Jesus came into the city? As people will ask us in the future people may ask us: Where were you when Covid 19 happened?

The Service includes: a worship playlist, with a home produced “MBC Worship Team Lockdown Recording Project”

Unpacking with the Meyer family

A Bible reading from the Handleys

Get up and Get active with David Gladman

A talk from Nathan Dring

Prayers from two NHS doctors

Hello MBC with Zac and Janet Mwanje from their shop.

As well as all this you will be invited to make your own Palm Cross, (follow this link to see what you’ll need to hand) and out usual Live Streams from our Facebook page

Oasis and Moortots continue on line, and this week we get our pencils and paints out

Despite all the restrictions we are currently experiencing Oasis and Moortots are settling into something of a routine. Tuesday and Thursday at 11am respectively both go live at

This week Shelley, Rowan and Daisy told stories, sang songs, took crayons and pencils for a walk and made some beautiful butterflies.   

Here’s Tuesday’s Oasis, which for some reason is brought to you at a rather jaunty angle… just consider the bending over as part of your daily exercise, and below that, and the right way round today’s Moortots.  

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