Looking ahead. As our community grows Shelley gives out some important dates and themes

Dear friends

This Sunday we meet in the building and online for café church, starting at 11am.  Drinks, pastries and fruit are available from 10.45 so do feel free to come in a bit earlier to catch up with people or pray before the service starts. We’ll be looking at the story I have called ‘Glory on the mountain’ also known to some as ‘the transfiguration’, another epiphany moment with Jesus.

Do check out the website for the latest news at MBC including photographs from Lunch club’s ‘World Book Day’ special!  If you think you can help in the great work that’s been done at lunchclub, it doesn’t have to be every week, then do let Rachel Beedle or myself know.

I’ve been asked to let you know and to prayerfully consider the latest job vacancies at Caring for life.  You can find them here.. CFL JOBS

We will be welcoming someone from Caring for life at the café church on the first Sunday in June.

Coming up

Monday 6th March – Drop in Beacon café and warm space 9.30-12

Tuesday 7th March – Steppingstones group for toddlers and their carers 10-11.30 (with new calmer break out room)

Wednesday 8th March – lunchclub meets (talk to Rachel Beadle, any of the lunch club team if you know them or myself/deacon)

On the evening of Wednesday 8th March, Gather Leeds have arranged an online zoom get together for anyone with a heart for the city of Leeds.  Its an evening from 7.45 to 9.30pm that will seek to understand how churches, projects and individuals have been working together to serve their neighbours and workplaces specifically over the last two years with all that has been going on following a pandemic and shifts to the structure of what many see as church.  The theme is wellbeing and will involve some presentations and sharing as well as opportunity to pray for the city and talk about what we see happening in our own areas of community/work/life.  Its open to anyone, you are encouraged to register your interest in advance.  For more information click on the link below

Movement For Recovery & Change In Leeds 2023 – Network Leeds

Thursday 9th March – Warm space and craft group 2-4pm

House groups continue including Wednesday evenings, Friday mornings and the Thursday night 7pm overview of the whole bible group with Gareth Gadd on Thursday 9th March in church.

Looking ahead

Every third Sunday we share communion, it’s the meal that Jesus shared with His friends and that he asked us to share in remembrance of Him. Often, we ask people to help with getting bread and wine in the week and on the morning of the service, but we know there are some people who would like to know in advance and feel that it’s part of something that God would like them to do in love for others.  If that’s you, can you email or talk to myself, Lesley our administrator or one of the deacons.  We’d love to hear from you and put a few dates in the diary in advance.

We also looking for help with tea/coffee/pastries/fruit at café church (first Sundays) and tea/coffee (third Sundays).  Thanks to those who have offered so far.  If you can help and or want to give a particular date then can you let Lesley or myself/deacon know.  If you feel you would like to help but don’t want to do it on your own or are unsure about what to do then we promise it won’t just be you on your own.

The deacons and I are meeting this Tuesday to follow up from the last church meeting, catch up with what we need to do and sort out inductions for our new deacons.  We appreciate your prayers for Tuesday and for all those who seek to lead God’s people.  At the last church meeting I talked about new wine and wine skins, do keep asking God to help us adapt the wine skin to the new wine (Matthew 9:17).

Easter week starts on Sunday 2nd April with a Palm Sunday café church.  It would be great to journey this week together as a church and as a wider community.  We will be having Easter beacon, some Good Friday gatherings, Easter crafts and seed planting, creative prayer, a midweek talk amongst other things… I will put out more thoughts next week but there is opportunity for all ages to be involved in different ways.  There maybe some of you in a house group who would like to host something simple like a short prayer time, a walk, a study, making something or refreshments.   

Other dates to remember

Sunday 7th May is the Community Coronation lunch…if you can help or you have ideas on how we can make this more inclusive and fun based on the King of Kings the let Karen or myself know.

Saturday 13th May is the Big Plant sale, set up in the morning and sale in the afternoon.  More details to come!

Stay connected

Pop into a warm space

Follow Moortown Baptist Church on facebook or youtube and on the MBC website.

Pop into a house group one week  

Pray with someone after the service

“For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”

(Acts 2:39)  

In Christ


Shelley Dring


Moortown Baptist Church

The first of many, MBC’s foyer takes on a bright new look

What nicer welcome to any church than to step into a freshly decorated and imaginitively redesigned reception area. And that’s precisely what visitors to MBC are doing each and every time they walk through our main doors. 

Starting with the foyer, the office corridor and the Corner Room a small but incredibibly efficient team of designers and decorators are methodically working their way through our building.

Ahead of them lie all sorts of projects including the possibility of installing new windows into what many of us still think of as the Church Hall – now the creche room and carrying out a thorough examination of the whole building’s insulation. 

On this occasion, however, special thanks go to Liz Knight who masterminded the painting of the foyer (and the assembly of the furniture) and to one of our two new deacons Rod Russell. They of course were ably assisted by a team of willing volunteers.

If you would like to join this team just have a word with Rod, Shelley, Lesley or any of our deacons and we’ll put your name on our list.  


Lunch Club embraces World Book Day 2023

World Book Day is a charity sponsored by National Book Tokens which when our Lunch Club leader Rachel Beedle first heard about quickly realised it was far too good an opportunity to pass by. 

That’s why this last week, dressed as characters from their favourite novels more than fifteen LC regulars appeared ever so thinly disguised as just about anyone and anything from Long John Silver to James Bond.

Besides enjoying their normal splendid lunch our guests also tested their powers of recall with a brilliant book/author quiz and then spent a quarter of an hour or so swopping and sharing memories of books they had brought from their homes.  

As luck would have it this week was also the first anniversary of Rachel taking over the Lunch Club supervisory role which of course gave everyone a chance to sing Happy Birthday but only this time with with 007 Hornby at the piano the word Birthday was replaced by the word Anniversary.

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