Running two marathons in three weeks ensures Shelley keeps MBC on the front foot

Dear friends

It feels like a full week.

I sat in the church building on Thursday, and I had a picture in my mind.  As I watched people come in and out to vote, some coming to the warm space, some putting up union flags, people fixing on solar panels, people collecting food, putting out chairs, others making crafts, it felt like a lot was going on both physically and spiritually.  Praying about it further, the picture that came into my mind was of many coloured threads weaving through from the carpark, through the rooms and down the corridors. I felt each represented a different aspect of life in the country.  One thread I saw represented politics, another thread was monarchy, another thread service, another thread compassion.  Although we often have many ‘threads’ running through the building, it felt that this week there was more ‘going on’.  As we approach Coronation weekend, I am aware that there are many threads influencing our land, some we see and some we simply have a sense of. There are some Christian leaders reminding church again to pray for the land, for King Charles and all those with influence that they may know the truth of Jesus.  We pray too for our communities as a church we agree together that we want to see God’s fair rule and reign.  We can all pray in different ways, in words, pictures, movement. We pray that God’s kingdom will come, His will be done on earth as in heaven and that He will show us how to be church in this new season.

On Sunday we have an opportunity to come together and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We’ll meet 11-12 for café church and then we have a coronation lunch together starting at 1pm.  We have activities for our younger friends.  Food has been arranged but if you want to bring some buns to share or something similar then do bring them on the day.  Many times, Jesus shared a meal with friends and strangers so do come along on your own or bring friends, neighbours and family at 1pm.

We start a new series this Sunday.  It follows on from our journeying with Jesus and the Ascension last week when Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to be with us everywhere.  The series is called Be transformed and looks at how the Holy Spirit transforms and renews us. This Sunday Romans 12:1-8 sets the scene.    

On Sunday evening there will be Rock Solid for young people 7pm-8pm in the church building.

Other dates to remember…

Monday 8th May – No beacon café today.  Why not give someone a call or meet for coffee.

Tuesday 9th May – Steppingstones for under 5’s and their carers 10-11.30.  Tuesday afternoon house group in the church building.

Wednesday 10th May – House groups online and in the church building at 7.30pm

(It’s Lunch Club ‘Coronation Special’ today too!)

Thursday 11th May – 2-4pm drop in warm space in the music room, make crafts, have a coffee and cake

Thursday 11th May – 7-9pm Bible in 24 hours bible study looking at the whole bible in the church building   

Friday 12th May – 10-11 bible study in the church building

Saturday 13th May – 1-3pm Plant Sale with refreshments.  Refresh your garden, brighten a windowsill, buy a gift and raise money for charity, in the church building.

Sunday 14th May – Service 11-12pm Be transformed Part 2 looking at 1 Peter 1:1-12

Sunday is also the day of the first Leeds Marathon in years.  In previous years, the Leeds half marathon route has passed Moortown Baptist Church but this year its a new route for a new race so it doesn’t come near to the church although it does include Otley Road so may affect those living nearer Lawnswood and Headingley.  See  rblm-route-map.jpg (4661×3208) (

Monday 15th May – Warm welcome space/beacon café 10-12.  We welcome visitors from MAEcare (Moor Allerton Elderly Care) available for a chat about some of the things that they have going on.

The month of prayer continues through May.  Thanks to all who are joining in prayer somehow.  Please see the website for topics each day.  If you want to join the prayer whats app there are QR codes on the pillars in church to help you join (do ask if that sounds a bit strange or you want help, we are all learning)   

Next whole church meeting is 7.30pm on 25th May in church and online.  Agenda out soon.  See the deacons or myself if you have something new to bring up.

Other things of interest…

This week the Solar panels and the battery were fitted.  Thanks to all who helped with this.

Lunch club received funding to help them continue the great work they do.  Thanks to all and pray for Rachel, those who serve and all who come along.

One of our members has asked me to share news about a sunset walk at Temple Newsam House to remember loved ones.  It’s in association with St Gemma’s.  I have attached a flyer.

You might want to check out Harrogate School of Theology & Mission – Excellent theological and biblical training open to all. (  I have been to a number of these in the past.  There are visiting speakers and you get breakfast pastries and drinks.  The next one is May 13th where Bishop Rowan Williams will be speaking on ‘A contemplative life and urban mission’.  Sometimes there’s a zoom option too.  Click on the link or ask me for more information.

We look forward to seeing you over the weekend

In Christ


Who is God? by Gareth Gadd

We recently completed 1 and 2 Peter in our Friday morning Bible study group. These short epistles were written at the end of the apostle Peter’s life and they condensed his thoughts down to what he felt were the most important things to know. They are packed full of good teaching, but I’d like to pick one verse as an embarkation point on what might prove to be a long journey…

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1Peter 3:15 KJV

The word “answer” is translated here from a Koine Greek word ἀπολογία (pronounced apologia) which is where we get the word apologetics: i.e. a reasoned statement or argument (it does not mean to apologise! Sorry). Have you sanctified The Lord in your heart? Can you give a straight explanation for the hope that is within you, and the follow up questions? The key verse being the succinct Gospel found in 1 Corintians:

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” 1 Corinthians 15 3-4 KJV

So Christ died for our sins. “Christ” means “son of God” (the son of the “Lord God” in the first scripture above – more about Christ will follow in later posts).

So who is the Lord God? It may surprise you that God is not introduced in the Bible.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV

The Bible is full of genealogies but God doesn’t have one. The Old Testament does not build up to the opening verse of the Bible with an explanation of how, why, when or who God is. He just is.

The existence of God is not testable either by proof or disproof, but the big questions in life are more understandable if God exists. Many can argue the existence of God with their head, or intellect, but the key issue is with the heart.

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Psalm 14:1 KJV

Within the Bible there are many ways in which we can explain God:

1. Cosmological (from κόσμον = cosmon, “world”). The only sufficient cause for everything we can see is God (Psalm 19:1)

2. Teleological (from τέλος = telos, “purpose”) not only did God make all that we can see but He designed it (Romans 1:18-20). Not only did God create and design the entire universe but He gives it purpose.

3. Anthropological (from ἄνθρωπος = anthropos, “man”). Since man is moral and has intellect, he must have a maker who is moral and intelligent (Acts 17:29). Man’s moral nature argues for an existence of his maker, God. It is curious that our planet is in such a position in our solar system and galaxy that enable mankind to exist.

4. Ontological (from ὄν = on “being). Because man believes that a perfect being must exist. The Most Perfect Being must be God.

The Bible begins with God, but the Bible is not a textbook that is trying to prove His existence. The first proof must however be from God’s word itself:

“Thy word is truth” John 17:17 KJV

The above is very brief, but many of these answers to these types of questions are answered in the Thursday evening Bible group.

The greatest proof though, apart from scripture, for God’s existence is daily fellowship that any born-again person can have with God in prayer and it is encouraging that there is a real thirst in this church for both scripture and prayer.

God bless you.

Gareth Gadd

Adam Argyle explains a little bit more about the new 9pm Prayer Time

Hi, I just wanted to expand a little bit in what I said on Sunday a couple of weeks ago about my journey and the 9pm Prayer Group.

The birth of 9pm Prayers What’sApp group started off with just a few of us praying for things on our heart like the church, Shelley, the Leadership team, the service or more personal things. We have now being praying for the future of the group as Lent has finished it has now been decided to open the group up to others as we are embarking on a “Month of Prayer” which we begin in May.

If you would like to join us there are 2 options, you can join us on the WhatsApp call at 9pm or there are guides in church from which will help you do it in own home. To access the What’sApp group there will be a QR code on the guide, all you need to do is scan the code using your camera on your phone and this should take you directly to the group, if this is not possible please contact either myself, Mandy or Krys and we can send you an invite.

Final thought, I have really felt a change of direction at MBC over the last 6 months, people being a lot more open and more unity, we now have 3 prayer initiatives, the Pastoral Team, 9pm Prayers and the Sunday Prayer Team. Prayer is crucial in a church and I believe we are now reaping the rewards. 

I’m not the most academic person and as I said on Sunday I lack confidence speaking out but God is teaching me, giving me encouragement through other people.

You would normally see me on the Tech Desk at the back of church or playing footie with the kids in the sports hall so to be speaking at the front of church is a massive leap of faith which I give thanks to God and your support. Amen

To view every day follow the link below. 

How do you keep up with all the news from BMS World Mission?

Keeping up with all the news from BMS World Mission could hardly be easier. You can go online to its excellent website,  you can follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter, sign up to receive its weekly email updates or as I do simply wait for it to drop through my letter box.  

The issue you see above is Issue 56 and besides its usual mag, Prayer Guide (May to September) and I suspect for the first time its 2023 Impact Report you also get the chance to say hello to Engage’s new Editor Laura Durrant. 

There is of course an even simpler way of keeping in touch with all that’s hapening at BMS World Mission, and that is by talking to one another. I don’t just mean seeking out our long standing BMS rep Roger Robson and demanding regular updates (that’s what all the stuff I’ve listed before are for). No I mean talking about BMS at Housegroups, maybe at Beacon or at any of the many other projects we run. You see BMS World Mission isn’t just something to be kept in a box until it takes its turn in our Mission slot calendar; it’s vibrant and active and what we must never forget it’s very much a part of MBC’s long history. 

PS I have only just realised there is also a QR Code magically printed  into the cover letter which is seeking your views on  how you find your supporter experience with BMS Home Mission. It seems like they have all bases covered and we have little excuse to ignore them! 

May Day launches MBC’s month of prayer

Month of Prayer 1.

Month of Prayer 2

May Day – the 1st of May sees the start of MBC’s Month of Prayer. Above you will see 2 links from which you are able to download some material or simply read on screen.

We hope you find these helpful. Whether or not you use them at home privately or together via our newly setup WhatsApp group is a matter for you – we simply issue the invitation.

There’s also a QR Code you can scan with your camera phone to join the WhatsApp group.  

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