30th August – Shelley’s weekly message

Dear friends

We meet again for café church at 11am on Sunday!  We will be joining for worship and creatively looking at the theme of Jesus stories as we look back over the last few weeks at the stories Jesus told in Luke and how we are all included in the story, just like the Samaritan woman at the well.  If you like a jigsaw puzzle then come along as we have a bit of a jigsaw puzzle for you to try!

If you would like to share something you think God has said through the stories of the last few weeks or simply a thought, then we will have an opportunity for that on Sunday.  Do pray about this as it will help someone else on their journey.  Just a short thought/reflection is fine. 

A reminder that Candice and Nelson’s wedding is on Saturday at 2pm.  All of you are welcome to the ceremony to support, pray and worship with them.  There will be time after the service for photos and mingling before their reception starts.  We have a private YouTube link for friends, family and members who would like to be part of the service but can’t physically be there.  Please do message me if you would like the link.  We would like all to feel included.

The prayer course continues this Sunday at 7.30pm on zoom this week.  See website  Prayer Course – see Krys Gadd for details – Moortown Baptist Church

Rock Solid youth are back together again on Sunday evening at 7pm.

Beacon warm welcome café is back on Monday 2nd September and craft group is back on Thursday afternoon 2-4pmLesley is back in on Monday.

The Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening house group in church are on this week.  See Howard Dews/ Rod for Tuesday and Ruth/Andy Berry for Wednesday night.  See Hilary and Jonathan or Steve or Helen about Friday nights group.

Stepping Stones isn’t back until the 10th September but lunch club is back on!

Deacons meeting at 7.30pm Tuesday night to plan for the meeting on the 10th September

It’s the tabletop sale on the 14th September.  See website for details Table Top Sale – 14th September – Moortown Baptist Church

Have a look at website for latest news including updates from our friends in Romania Florin and Dana Fodor bring us up to date with a message from Romania – Moortown Baptist Church

Finally, it was good to see so many at the ‘It is Well’ musical at the Fraser Theatre in Knaresborough last night.  It’s the story of the writers of the hymn ‘It is well’ and the huge life events that happen including personal joy and tragedy, the American civil war and the Chicago Fire of 1871.  If you went last night and would like to give some feedback or share something that may help others or write something for the website then do let me know or let Adam or John Sherbourne know if it’s the website purely.  The show continues in Sheffield tonight.  “It Is Well With My Soul” – Premieres In Sheffield (yorkshire.com)

I leave you with one of the verses in the hymn written by Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss.

“For me it is Christ, it is Christ now to live!
Though death’s waters over me roll,
no fear shall be mine, for in death as in life
you will whisper your peace to my soul.

It is well”

In Christ



Florin and Dana Fodor bring us up to date with a message from Romania


The Teacher as a Candle – by Crina Bob, volunteer in our Teachers’ Ministry

A teacher full of passion is like a scented candle- in order to spread light and aroma, it consumes itself. He/she is continually sacrificing, in a multitude of relationships: students, parents or colleagues.  

Ionela was a young teacher who came to work at our school a few years ago. She was a selfless and sensitive person, full of desire to invest her best in the lives of future generations. We immediately connected with each other. We wished we could have met more often, but we did not have enough time. I enjoyed every time she came to me for advice (facing a challenge with her students or their parents). I knew God wanted to use me in her life and I tried to help her.

One day, I saw Ionela in the corridor. She told me she had a difficult week- a sensitive situation with a parent of a student. Later on that day, I called her. I encouraged her, I told her she is a wonderful person and I appreciate her. At the end of the call, she told me: „I am feeling better! Thank you for your nice words. You have brightened my day!” I was not aware these words were the last ones I would ever hear from her.   

Two days later, her husband called me and shared terrible news: Ionela had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. For the next few days, the Holy Spirit moved the hearts of the teachers in our school. Catholics, Orthodox or Protestants- we all came together in prayer. But God had another plan. He decided to take her home. At the age of 24. 

For me, her passing away is painful. I regret not being able to spend more time with her, to help her grow spiritually and professionally

 At the same time, it teaches me important lessons. I need to live my life so that I will spread more light to those around me- family, society, teachers. Our life is short. Who knows what will be the last words someone will hear from us?

As Christians, we are like candles, consumed for the benefit of others. What kind of aroma will I leave behind? Am I investing my time in things that are eternal? Around us, some people need to hear about the Lord. Others need to be discipled. Still others feel lonely and need a smile, an embrace, an encouragement.

Ionela’s death reminded me that I am (and I need to be) „an aroma of Christ” (2 Cor. 2:15). 

Teachers Conference in Bocșa

Last month we went to the city of Bocșa, where we organized a conference (see picture above) 54 teachers came, representing 10 cities and 14 schools. The topic was Emotional Intelligence in Education (better managing the emotions of the students; building a value system; different learning styles of the students). 

Here are some impressions from the participants

-These were the most valuable 4 hours for my personal development this year.

-I learned to be more confident, to dare to act beyond my comfort zone and to trust God.

-I learned to communicate better with the people around me and be more attentive to their needs.

-It was like fresh air to us. We hope we will be able to continue this ministry.

-I am glad I met you, I spent a quality time here. You serve Christ with passion!

-We enjoyed your presence and your involvement in our lives, as teachers! May God search the hearts of the participants and use us for extending His kingdom.

Thank you for partnering with us. With love and appreciation, Florin and Dana Fodor

21.08.24 – Lunch Club meets Rock Solid

Last Wednesday, in what may well be a first, two of MBC’s longest running projects – Lunch Club and Rock Solid –  came together to play curling, bingo and dominoes. Joined by two of the youth team’s leaders, that’s Val and Adam, the group also shared lunch together.  

“It was a great fun” said Adam, “enjoyed by both young and old and definitely something we’d love to do again.”  

A big thank you to all who made it happen.


Table Top Sale – 14th September

Table Top sale at MBC in Aid of the Girls at the Women’s Development Centre, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
This will be on Saturday 14th September  from 10:30 until 14:30.
It costs £10 to book a table, and there will be a £1 entrance fee for the sale.
To book your table please contact Lesley Murphy, MBC Administrator on 0113 2693750.

Shelley’s weekly message – 24 August

Dear friends

We’ll be back in church at 11am with a service all together based on the third section of John 4.. just to recap…three weeks ago we started with exploring John 4:1-13 ‘Jesus story’, then John 4:13-26, how Jesus story became ‘My story’ and on the 25th August we look at John 4:27-42 ‘Our story’.  We consider the ripple effects of the conversation between the Samaritan woman and Jesus and how it reached a whole community.

I often thank God that I have the opportunity to hear stories of the ‘ripple effects’ of the story of God in people’s lives.  It starts with one person meeting Jesus, like the Samaritan woman by the well.  So, transformation comes, one story at a time. 

We are grateful this week for…

All who completed fire marshal training on Monday, we will look to go through a fire drill soon in church.

All those involved in the ‘Rock Solid meets Lunch club’ Day on Wednesday.  See website for some photos.

All those who shared, sang and played at Wednesday Worship Songs of Praise

All those who have visited and prayed for others this week, in our community and further afield

All those helping with our tech issues and wiring this week

All those preparing for our services

There are many more thanks of course that we wouldn’t have room to put here including all our regular groups and all those unseen things that God sees in our day to day lives.

For those on a break we pray you will be refreshed over this time.  For those who find themselves laying down what they would usually do, for many reasons, we pray that you will find your identity in Jesus, just as the Samaritan woman did and let Jesus lead you through the valleys and the mountain tops.

For all the activities and services at Moortown Baptist Church please see the website at www.moortownbaptistchurch.org,uk

News for the next few weeks..

The prayer course continues after church (See Krys Gadd or website)

No Rock Solid this week, its back on 1st September at 7pm-8pm

Beacon café takes a break this week, back on the 2nd September

Wednesday 28th August is a film afternoon in the music room arranged by Rachel Beedle.  All invited to come watch Singing in the rain!  1.45pm start until 4pm. There will be choc ices in the interval for all!

Wednesday night house group in church takes a break this week, back on the 4th September

Craft group, warm welcome space is on Thursday 29th August 2-4pm in church

A reminder about a musical coming up on the 29th August (currently at Edinburgh Fringe Festival).  A numb er of people are going from Moortown.  Please ask if you have questions.  Follow link here,  It is Well with My Soul… a new musical playing at Knaresborough’s Frazer Theatre on Thursday 29th August. – Moortown Baptist Church

Saturday 31st August is Candice and Nelson’s Wedding Day.  All are invited to support and celebrate with them at the service at 2pm. Invited guests to the wedding reception afterwards.

Sunday 1st September 11am All Age café church John 4: 43-54 with linked activities ‘The story continues…’

Lesley is on leave this week so be aware if you are sending emails to her admin email. If you need a quicker reply contact myself or a deacon or a group leader.  She’ll be back in on Monday 2nd September.

Church meeting is 10th September 7.30pm and on zoom.  Part of this meeting will be to vote on a small change to the constitution (discussed at the last meeting) connected to voting online.  Voting for this change will happen in the building only (and not online) on the 10th September.  However, if the members vote to change it on this evening, it will allow for online voting at future meetings.  A zoom connection will still be available on the 10th but votes won’t be counted for those online.

Emails went out this week with details of the proposed constitution change as well as details about nominating new deacons in October.  There are a number of paper copies that have been made for those who cannot currently access emails.  These can be picked up on Sunday after the service.  If you need a paper copy and can’t be there on Sunday please let me or a deacon know.

In Christ


W/C Sunday 18th August. A reminder of what’s on here at MBC

Dear friends

For all the activities and services throughout the summer please see the website at 2024 Summer. A reminder from Shelley of what’s on, what’s not on and what’s on sometimes. – Moortown Baptist Church

Tomorrow, we share communion all together with creative activities and look at part 2 out of 3 in our John 4 series.  If you missed it, last week we explored John 4:1-13 ‘Jesus story’, this week is John 4:13-26 ‘My story’ and 25th August is John 4:27-42 ‘our story’.

Youth group ‘rock solid’ is back on this Sunday with a ‘special’ film related evening and creative activities.  Also, a reminder that on Wednesday 21st we have some of the Rock solid group and lunch club joining together too.  Its also Wednesday worship at 1.30 ‘Songs of Praise’.

Extras this week..

Fire marshall training after beacon café in church (those who have volunteered have been contacted)

Deacons and Shelley meeting on Tuesday evening 7.30pm in church

A reminder (from a notice from last Sunday) that Howard Dews and a couple of friends from church are visiting churches that we support in Romania.  If anyone would like to go with them do talk to Howard.  It’s the 21st – 28th September – direct flight from LBA to Cluj.

The floor is finished so a big thank you to all those who worked on it over the last few weeks and all those who have moved things around so activities can continue.

A reminder about this show coming up on the 29th August (currently at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)  It is Well with My Soul… a new musical playing at Knaresborough’s Frazer Theatre on Thursday 29th August. – Moortown Baptist Church

A reminder to pray for Candice and Nelson as they prepare for their wedding on the 31st August in church.  Everyone welcome to the service at 2pm

Join with you tomorrow

In Christ


2024 Summer. A reminder from Shelley of what’s on, what’s not on and what’s on sometimes.

Dear friends

My update today includes all we know about what’s happening at MBC over the Summer.  The next update will be the week of the 12th August. 

Groups ‘on pause’ until September

Stepping Stones under 5’s midweek toddler group, Diane’s Wednesday night house group and the Friday morning bible study.

Groups continuing throughout August

Beacon café and warm welcome space will take place every Monday 10-12midday apart from the August bank holiday Monday 26th August.

The Lords pantry food is available every Monday and Tuesday morning between 10 and 12 (apart from 26th August).  It’s worth saying that it is for both the wider community and those within the church community.  Do have a confidential word with myself, Karen or a deacon if needed.

Tuesday afternoon house group in church, bring lunch to eat with others at 12.30 then join in a one off study each week through the Summer.  The group thought this might make it easier if you miss a couple of want to try out one of the sessions if you haven’t been to the group before. See Howard Dews for information (the 6th August maybe slightly different).

Wednesday evening house group with Ruth/Andy Berry in church and on zoom 7.30-9.15pm.  You are welcome to go along in the Summer for one or more sessions if you don’t usually go to the group and want to do something in the summer.

Thursday afternoon warm welcome space and craft group 2-4pm in the church building (15th August maybe different.. we’ll keep in touch)

Thursday evening bible study with Gareth Gadd in church 7pm.  Open to all.

Please see Hilary or Jonathan or Steve or Helen about Friday night housegroup

Groups that happen every so often in the Summer

Lunch Club takes place on..7th August in the sports hall and 21st August in the main Sanctuary.  On the 21st August members of Rock Solid youth group are invited to join the fun activities and chat including lunch!  There will be a film and ice-creams for lunchclub on the 28th August.  More info to follow.  

Wednesday Worship takes place on 21st August at 1.30.  Do chat to Rachel about your favourite hymn or chorus and why its special to you if you want to share. Open to all.

Youth groups are meeting in August but they are still working out the programme so Lesley and the group leaders will be in touch.

Sundays in July and August

Sundays in August will be designed for all ages together.  As part of this there will always be a connected craft or activity for anyone who would like to explore the message creatively at the time.  Feel free to bring sketchbooks/notepads.

Sunday 28th July service at 11am in church and online.  Luke 16:1-9 with creative crafts in church to make and take home, connected to this week’s message. 

Sunday 4th August Café church for all.  Creatively exploring Luke 19:11-27 at 11am and online.

Sunday 11th August we begin a mini-series based on John 4 continuing to look at the power of story.  This week its ‘Jesus Story’ John 4:1-13.  There will be no live feed this week as we are meeting in the sports hall and meeting areas so there will be a different ‘feel’ to the gathering, maybe cosier, but we will have creative ways to explore the message through craft and activities. 

Sunday 18th August back in the main room (Sanctuary) at 11am with live feed for part two of the mini-series from John 4:13-26  ‘My Story’ with connected crafts and activities. With communion.

Sunday 25th August 11am in the building and online on  MBC Youtube channel part three of our mini-series from John 4:27-42 ‘Our Story’ with connected crafts and activities.

New group for the Summer

The prayer course by Pete Grieg of 24/7 prayer movement Home – 24-7 Prayer International

Krys will facilitate the course on Sundays, a mix of in person and on zoom.  It starts this Sunday in the church building for about an hour after church.  The following week it will be done on zoom at 7.30pm, then the week after back to in person and so on.  Please see the website for more information or talk to Krys or Lesley.  Bring your lunch along for the after-church sessions. It will run every Sunday until the last one on the 15th September. 

Prayer Course – Starting Sunday 28th July – Moortown Baptist Church

Work around the building

On Tuesday 6th August, work starts on the floor of the main church room known as the sanctuary.  It is being sanded and re-covered.  It will need time to dry therefore will not be usable for two weeks. Therefore, on 11th August the service and Beacon on the 12th August will be in different rooms but they are both still happening.

A couple of people are looking to arrange a day or two to do some sorting in church.  We could do with one or two volunteers to help us sort the book library too. Dates to come (and also let us know when you are around).  In the meantime if you have things that you have left in church and meant to take home can you pick them up please.  Also, it’s great to have donations of things but can you give them directly to Lesley or Karen or a deacon so we can work out where they should go. Thankyou.

The website and our Facebook pages are constantly updated so keep an eye out over Summer.  There are leaflets in the entrance of church with our usual events, Lesley is in the building Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning so give her an email or call or ask a group leader or myself.  If you want to see me and can’t find me then do chat to Lesley and she will book in a time that is convenient for us.   

Thanks everyone

“He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams.

He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:2)


ENGAGE – the latest BMS World Mission magazine is out now

The latest edition of ENGAGE, the Baptist Missionary Society’s World Mission magazine, is packed with features about the organisation’s work across the globe.

From Bangladesh to Cyprus and from Palestine to Uganda there are, despite enormous challenges a whole range of stories of hope as writers and photographers bring us up to date with a whole spread of world wide mission.

With this issue there is also a Christmas 2024 catalogue, plus a free September to December Prayer Guide, which for the week commencing Sunday the 17th of November focusses on the work being carried out at two BMS supported hospitals in Chad; one of course being the medical facility in Bardia, the place where MBC’s mission partners Andea and Mark Hotchkin work.

To receive your free copy of ENGAGE – either through the post or online simply follow the links at www.bmsworldmission.org Alternatively have a word with MBC’s BMS co-ordinator Roger Robson who will help you all he can.  

Phil Commons and Rod Russell pass on an update from Bangladesh

Respective My Sister,


Yes it is good news for us that Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus will take over as the Chief Adviser to the Interim Government tomorrow at 8 PM. For the time being, 15 more eminent citizens will simultaneously take over the duties of the interim government. And a new government will be elected within 90 days. The opinion of the students has not been taken yet.

Other News –

1. Many politicians including Khaleda Zia have been released from jail.

2. Banning of these two political parties Jamaat-e-Islami and Shibir (as well as opposition people) – they continue to damage and loot the valuable resources of many countries. Like Parliament House, Public House, Government Workshop, Police Station, People’s Houses and Religious Buildings – many more.

3. Many senior officers of the army have been retired and newly appointed.

4. Many policemen have died – so there are no policemen in the country – but efforts are being made to bring them back.

5. At present students are working as traffic police voluntarily.

6. Houses of many high-ranking officials of Sheikh Hasina government were set on fire and many chairman-members were killed.

7. Many of the ministers of the previous government have fled, many have taken refuge in cantonments – many have been imprisoned.

8. All the statues of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman have been demolished.

9. Many factories, buildings, buses of the previous government are being burnt and looted.

10. Currently all public transport is closed. Metro rail fires and much destruction continue. Houses of minority communities are being set on fire.

However, both good and bad things are going on. Common people are still afraid to leave their homes. So he is making a living in misery.

I hope that the country and the people will be freed from all the hardships very soon by the new interim government.

Your Brother,


Table Top sale – 14th September 2024

Last year I organised a tabletop sale in order to raise funds for a women’s refuge in Sri Lanka.

Table-top sale @ MBC

It was a great day and we managed to raise a substantial amount of money. Just recently I was in Sri Lanka seeing the girls and it was such a heart-warming time that I have decided to go out again next year. If you would like a table then please contact me through the church at admin@moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk.

You can reserve one for just £10!

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