Acoustic Nights at The Barn

Every month The Barn Coffee Shop welcomes the best independent performers to Meanwood Valley Urban Farm Leeds LS7 2QG.

In the leadup to Christmas, that’s in October, November and December the artists featured are Chris Read, Rod Cordner and the HUM Gospel Choir. 

All the information you need to book your tickets is on the attached flyer but for more specific queries you can always call The Barn on 0113 2625048

Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. Grace in the place – the place of testing.

Unanticipated trials and challenges are generally not welcomed. We may hope that we will somehow be saved and protected from these kinds of things and yet often this is not the case, and the road in front of us may suddenly become difficult, discouraging, beyond our understanding, and perhaps also beyond our usual coping mechanisms. Yet we try to keep walking in trust along with our faithful God. It would be easy to harbour negative thoughts, to complain, go into avoidance mode, or even begin to doubt our trust and confidence in the God who loves us. But on this kind of journey, we need to know and to depend on the God who will be there with us. We need to know that in that time of hard testing, He will keep us safe. Can we trust that He will give us the resources and strength for whatever we need on any testing journey?
Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.
1 Corinthians 10 v 13 GNT
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus modelled a prayer marked by a relationship and a trust in His Father. We may pray for protection against the ills, trials, tests and challenges of life in our own lives and that of our families, but there is no guarantee of this for us. What He does promise to us is to keep us safe and to walk with us though the experience and the trial.
Do not bring us to hard testing but keep us safe from the Evil One. Matthew 6 v 13 GNT
I have learned from experience that it can be helpful to prepare for the unexpected, the twists and turns in life, the shocks and the shadows. This is not to be gloomy or fearful of the tests and trials that may come, but not to be shocked by them. Anticipation and preparation are two significant things that we can build on. So, how may we prepare ourselves for the bumps in the road? For they will surely come at some point. They are the kinds of tests that’ normally come.’ We need to safeguard and grow that close relationship with the Father, trust His faithfulness, and grace and curb that desire to rely on our own strength and ability.
I have just watched Sunday’s Songs of Praise, and the closing hymn was the beautiful hymn written by George Matheson. The hymn assures us that Love will not let us go, that he will seek us through the pain and trials, and that there will be a rainbow after rain.
O Love, that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in Thee;
I give Thee back the life I owe,
That in Thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.
O Joy, that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to Thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain
That morn shall tearless be.
I am safe in the deep waters, the shallows, the turbulent, crashing waves, because you are holding me. Help me to trust you.
Jane Coates
20th September 2024

11 am, Sunday 29th September. Two baptisms and a dedication.

Dear friends

This Sunday we look forward to welcoming everyone to join in the baptism service for Rachel, Jess, and a dedication for Amber.  We start at 11am in the building and online.  Afterwards everyone is welcome to stay for samosa’s, cake, tea and coffee! If you have a cake (no nuts, please) to contribute then do bring it along on Sunday and leave it on the table in the sports hall.  Thanks to all those who have been working on our new sound system for the last few weeks and all the prep work before that.

Sunday 6th October is our harvest thanksgiving café church! There’s breakfast pastries, fruit and drinks during the service. An email went out this week about what to bring.  Money contributions for caring for life or money/food for North Leeds and West Foodbank please.. the food bank have specifically asked for…

Milk (UHT), soup, long life fruit juice, sweet and savoury spreads, long life sponge puddings, tinned vegetables, pasta/curry sauce, tinned fish, tinned rice pudding, tinned custard, tinned tomatoes, tinned meat, biscuits, rice, teabags, toilet roll and powdered milk (not baby milk)

There will be opportunity in the service to give money directly online.

Everything continues as usual through the week with Beacon warm welcome café at 10am on Monday, craft group welcome space on Thursday, stepping stones on Tuesday at 10am and lunchclub on Wednesday.  There are housegroups and bible studies through the week.  Do ask if you are unsure or would like to try them out.  You don’t need to commit to being there every time and can go to more than one at a time. There;s Tuesday afternoon in the building (see Rod Russell or ask Lesley), Wednesday in the building at 7.30pm, Wednesday ladies (see Diane Sunter), Thursday in the building at 7.00pm. Friday morning at 10am (see Shelley) and Friday eve in Adel at 8pm.

Rock Solid for youth meet on Sunday evening at 7pm.

A reminder that there will be a get together for anyone who attended any of the prayer course in the building after café church (6th October) (bring your lunch).

There’s a deacon’s meeting on Tuesday evening this week at 7.30pm in the building.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t another night in the next two weeks before our next whole church meeting to get everyone together for this but it clashes with the city wide prayer gathering but if anyone else can go along then do go with our blessing and I’d love to catch up with you afterwards.. Leeds Citywide Prayer Gathering 
Tuesday 1st October, 7:45 – 9:30pm 

North Church, 98 Kirkstall Road, LS3 1HJ

Other things..

Intercultural Worship Conference 
Saturday 30th November, 10am – 4pm

Venue – St George’s Centre, 60 Great George Street, LS1 3DL
A great chance to learn and share in conversations and dialogue on Intercultural Worship. 
You can find out more and register here.

Here’s a link to the latest edition of the Baptists Together magazine.  This edition includes a few articles on different forms of discipleship File.aspx (

Finally, if you didn’t join the service last week, I wanted to let you know that we started a new series based on the book of Ruth.  Feel free to catch up with the first part of Ruth 1 and we continue with the rest of Ruth 1 tomorrow as we see the thread of promises woven through our baptisms and dedication.  We look forward to joining with you.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because he first loved us.   1 John 4:18-19


PS. The images at the top of this post show Shelley preaching at MBC last Sunday. Now being unable to attend I decided to watch the service on YouTube and during her talk I couldn’t resist grabbing a few screenshots. 

When Shelley’s husband Nathan saw them he said she looked as if she was doing all the hand movements to the hit song YMCA, whereas I just wished she could be a bit more animated! 


Bela, Jean and Howard check in from Romania

Hello and greetings from Romania; it’s Bela, Jean and Howard here, and by the time you read this we will be just about half way through our visit.

So let me bring you up to date. We began our trip last weekend in the village of Cserefalva where we stayed in the guest house with former pastor Noemi and her husband Csaba, but now we  have moved on to visit the churches in Cluj.

In Cserefalva we attended the Sunday service and took the opportunity to pass on your greetings. We also met their new pastor Elud Marton and his family and he made us very welcome. 

I have to say that so far during our stay we have been invited for a number of superb meals with members of church congregations which for those of you who know the custom here means that we have been very well fed. 

On one of our days we took time out to visit the must see historic city of Sighisoara, the place where Dracula was born. Another day we travelled to visit Zsuzsi and Andor and had a lovely time with them and their family – which of course included looking around their church.

As for the weather – I’m glad to report that so far we have been blessed with sunshine throughout our entire visit.

There are lots of pictures in the gallery below. To view them simply click on any image.

Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. Do not say I am only…

Do not say I am only…
Dear God
please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have not’s,
the can not’s and the do not’s
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will not’s,
may not’s
might not’s that may find
a home in my heart.
Release me from the could not’s,
would not’s and
should not’s that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart, and my life, all of the ‘am not’s’
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought,
that I am not good enough
There are many characters in the Bible accounts who felt inadequate, unworthy, felt too old or too young, who were powerless with words, were unloved, were of the wrong cultural group or nationality, who were childless, or heart broken. There were those who felt that the task that God was giving them was too much and that they were surely not the right person for the job. They did not have the skill set or aptitude for the role. But God reminded them of who He was and His grace.
Jeremiah “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do pnot know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1 v 6-8 NIV
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
Exodus 3 v 11 NIV. 
Then Moses went out and spoke these words to all Israel: I am now a hundred and twenty years old and I am no longer able to lead you. Deuteronomy 31 v 2 NIV
Leah felt unloved and sidelined. When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, He enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, He gave me this one too. Genesis 29 v31-33
Hannah “I am a woman who is deeply troubled.  I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 1 Samuel 1 v 15
John “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.  Mark 1 v 7
We can perhaps identify with many of the characters in the Bible who felt that they were not up to the mark. But, whenever we feel inadequate, have made a mistake, wonder what on earth we think we are doing, have a crisis of confidence, worry that we have made a wrong choice, feel a failure at our given task, then remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Remember that you are loved, you are chosen, you are forgiven, you are accepted, you have the peace of Christ, and you are His workmanship. He has not finished with you yet.
Oh God of second chances and new beginnings, here I am again. Nancy Spiegelberg
God be in my head, and in my understanding.
God be in mine eyes, and in my looking.
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.
God be in my heart, and in my thinking.
God be at my end, and at my departing.
A Medieval Prayer 1538

Shelley signposts another busy week for MBC

Dear friends

We meet tomorrow at 11am in the building and online where we look at the theme of Jesus sustaining us, in John 6 but also starting to look at the story of Ruth. There will be a separate group during the talk with linked teaching and activities for children.

Next Sunday we have our baptism service.  Everyone welcome, do come and support and pray and join in.  We’ll have some refreshments and if you can bring a cake or sweet treats (no nuts) then can you let Lesley or Karen or a deacon know. The week after is our harvest celebration where there will be opportunity to give money (for Caring for life) or food for the north Leeds foodbank.  We’ll send a harvest specific email out next week.

A reminder that all those who have joined any of the Prayer Course are invited to bring lunch on the 6th October after church for a time of sharing and prayer.

Thanks to all those who helped with the tabletop sale last Saturday raising money for the women’s development centre in Kandy, Sri Lanka.  Thanks to Krys who was behind the organising.  Over £700 was raised at the last count!

Lesley reminded everyone last week that the last day to put in nominations for deacons is tomorrow.  If you want a chat about any of this then do get in touch.   

Do pray for Howard, Bela and Jean who flew to Romania today to meet with some of the churches we support and people where relationships have been built over the years with people at MBC.  

“Taste and see that the Lord is good;
 blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

(Psalm 34:8)


Minister – Moortown Baptist Church

Despite a bomb scare taking us all by surprise Krys’s Table Top Sale still raises over £750

Last week Krystyna Gadd’s Table Top Sale (that’s Krys above) was a brilliant if somewhat bizarre event.* With all fourteen tables let, on show was a wonderfully eclectic mix of novelty gifts and crafts.
These ranged from bric-a-brac to high end glass crafted items, from weaving to knitting and crochet, and from quilled items such as cards and pictures. We also had a sweet stall selling not only sweets but Christmas wreaths! One lady had made and was selling some beautiful scented products such as melts, lotions and room scents. Tricia Bainbridge was there showing her late husbands art work. And for children there was hair braiding, face-painting and henna. 
* Following brisk footfall in the morning, sadly, in the afternoon a sudden incident involving police and a bomb disposal team led to many of the roads around MBC either being congested or indeed closed.
However, as many of the folk who couldn’t get here in person still donated to the cause the total so far reached from the sale has topped £785 – a remarkable sum when you consider that £700 covers one month’s food for fifty girls and eight infants.
If, though you yourself would like to donate then you still can by using Krys Gadd’s Just Giving page which you can reach via the link below. 
“It was, says Krys “a lot of work but having seen the work of the Woman’s’ Development centre for myself I know that this is such a worthwhile cause. The girls we support live in the refuge in Kandy, Sri Lanka and many have been subjected to gender based violence, something that is not recognised in their country as being serious. The refuge is their escape to a new life free from abuse. However, it is not simply a refuge, no, it’s a home that’s filled with love, somewhere where they get to complete their studies and vitally discover ways to support themselves.”

Krys adds “It was in April 2024 that I went out to help the girls improve their weaving skills, having sent out 13 looms in April 2020, at the start of the Covid lockdown.  Through Just Giving, Their Future Today, this UK based charity is the project which is providing a large portion of funding to the WDC”.

“I plan to go out again in 2025 but ahead of my trip I want to raise some much needed funds purely to help the girls, even with such basic needs as buying groceries”.

“I would love to post pictures of the girls, but they are in a secret location for their own protection and anything on social media may lead to their abusers finding them”.

Please see some more images from the day below

13th September – Shelley’s weekly message

Dear Friends

On Tuesday, people shared some of the things going on in our church community, in Moortown, Leeds and further afield.  We heard good news, concerns, and personal stories as well as some decision making too.  The minutes will be available next week if you missed it.

God has called us ‘a city on a hill’ (Matthew 5:14) to be a community of light.  That’s why Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians…

“…Live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”  (Ephesians 4:2-3)

Paul writes this ‘as a prisoner’ so he was well aware there are times when we may not feel part of that community due to distance of some kind, but Paul knew he was part of it and our calling as Christians is worked out with others in mind.  To bear with others, suggests patience and time.

The result is that all are honoured whether they play a big part or a small part.

“But God has put the body together, giving greater honour to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other” (1 Corinthians 12:24-25)

As we move into the Autumn, we continue to walk alongside each other. Let’s pray for every part, those who are at a distance in some way and those who are right in the middle of something.  Pray that God will continue to raise leaders in our church to work alongside all ages.

Here are a few things ‘the body’ are doing this week…

This Sunday we continue in John’s gospel with a story with similarities to the woman at the well.  Its John 6:1-15 and all ages will be in the room with activities for our younger friends.  We will also share communion.  We start at 11am in the building and on YouTube.

Rock Solid youth are back together again on Sunday evening at 7pm-8pm.

It’s the final instalment of the prayer course this Sunday.  See website  Prayer Course – see Krys Gadd for details – Moortown Baptist Church  This week it’s a Zoom meeting at 7.30pm.  Details from Krys or ask a deacon on Sunday.  As the last one is a Zoom, anyone who has joined at some point is invited to meet face to face to chat/pray on the 6th October after church.

Tomorrow, 14th September, it’s the tabletop sale, full of carefully made crafts as well as drinks and cake,  you can also get your face painted or hair braided by experts!  Its 10.30-2.30pm in church. Table Top Sale – 14th September – Moortown Baptist Church

On Monday 16th September it’s Beacon warm welcome café.

On Tuesday 17th September it’s Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their carers.  We had a busy but fun first week last week.  Contact Lesley if you are new and would like to come.

Tuesday afternoon House Group in church, see Rod or Howard

Wednesday lunch club for those booked in (see Rachel Beedle for details)

Wednesday worship at 1.30pm, all welcome for half and hour together, this week’s theme, God in the storm.

Wednesday night House Group in church, see Shelley this week for more details.  7.30pm

Bible study in church at 7pm (see Gareth or ask Lesley/Shelley/deacon for details).

Friday evening House Group starts at 8pm on Friday.  See Hilary/Jonathan or Steve/Helen or ask Lesley/Shelley/A Deacon for more details.

On the 29th September we’ll be celebrating a baptism in church!  If you would like to be baptised on that day too then do get in touch with me (or contact Lesley in the office to get hold of me) for a chat.

October café church, 6th October, will be our harvest and thanks service at 11am.  All welcome!  We are collecting food for North Leeds food bank and money donations for Caring for life but more details this week.

Some other things happening in Leeds..

“Dance, music and praise in Leeds City Centre!
We’re gathering children and young people from Leeds to be part of this exciting event. There will also be a live band!
Our hope is that people in Leeds and beyond will be able to witness a tangible expression of joy and hope that leads them to God’s love.”

And beyond… Lots of prayer resources connected to world news to help us pray across the world at the moment…

In Christ


Shelley Dring

Shelley (and Daisy) join thousands more runners as they line up for the Great North Run

Dear friends

This week we continue with John 4:43-54 as we journey with Jesus through Galilee and see the ‘ripples’ going out to households and communities.  We will have an activity for our younger friends during the talk.  We start at 11am in the building and on youtube.

Last weekend was a great celebration and lots of food for thought, from Candice and Nelson’s wedding on Saturday to café church on Sunday.  Thanks to all who helped with the wedding on Saturday and all who were part of Sunday in anyway whether it be washing up or preparing sung worship. It was good to hear each other’s stories and a real privilege.

The prayer course continues this Sunday.  See website  Prayer Course – see Krys Gadd for details – Moortown Baptist Church

Rock Solid youth are back together again on Sunday evening at 7pm.

Beacon warm welcome café is back on Monday 9th September.  Craft group is postponed this week but back the week after.

On 10th September Stepping Stones returns at 10-11.30am.  Do contact Lesley if you are new and would like to come.

Also on Tuesday it’s our Church Meeting and this time it’s an opportunity to hear updates on the last few months, for members to vote on voting online, it’s a reminder about deacons elections which are coming up soon and a chance to hear how you can pray for what’s going on as well as getting involved.

There’s no Wednesday night housegroup this week but it returns the week after.

For Tuesday afternoon housegroup contact Rod or Howard, see Hilary and Jonathan or Steve or Helen about Friday nights group and Gareth about Thursday night bible study.  If in doubt contact myself or Lesley or ask a deacon.

Lunch club is meeting on the 11th for all those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel if you want to know more about helping or about someone who is maybe interested in going.

It’s the tabletop sale on the 14th September.  See website for details Table Top Sale – 14th September – Moortown Baptist Church

On the 29th September we’ll be celebrating a baptism again in church!  If you would like to be baptised on that day too then do get in touch with me for a chat.

October café church is on the 6th at 11am and it will be a harvest and thanks with chance to bring food/financial giving.  More details to come next week. 

Leeds Citywide prayer gathering is taking place on Tuesday 1st October 7.45-9.30pm at North Church, 98 Kirkstall Road, LS3 1HJ. All are invited to pray for the city in different ways.

I am running the Great North mini run tomorrow with Daisy and the Great North Run myself on Sunday for Leeds Hospitals charities.  I’ll miss being part of worship with you on Sunday but I’ll join in later in the day and look forward to catching up after the run.

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony” John 4:39

Lets keep sharing stories.


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