Dear friends
Usually, one good piece of advice I have been given in the past regarding technology is ‘turn it off and back on again”. Usually, things sort themselves out. Since my laptop and phone have been ‘temperamental’ this week I tried it out on them both. For my laptop, it worked. My phone was a different story. Only specialised, high-powered intervention involving connecting the phone to equipment that was able to do all sorts of things whilst it was ‘asleep’ was able to bring it back to life temporarily. It’s a reminder again about the importance of being connected. Trees are connected to goodness in the soil to remain healthy and stand. Tomorrow, we’ll hear more on this at café church starting at 11am looking at John 15. There will be pastries, fruit and drinks and an activity to practically explore the theme.
Connection can look like many things. If we are talking about connection to God, the word ‘prayer’ may come into our minds. Prayer is one way we keep our roots strong. Christians have always prayed but in 2025 there seems to be a renewal of focus to pray again, pray with others, prayer in a new way with or without words, pray across cities, across countries…
The Baptist Union have started some online prayer gatherings for 2025. The first one happened last week but there are more throughout the year. The next one is on 25th March. Please follow the link below to catch up and join in.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Prayer Broadcasts
One of the Wednesday evening groups has started The Prayer Course by Pete Greg of 24/7 prayer, a course that has been run once already at MBC last year. For more information for your own group or if you want to find resources for yourself or to do the course with others talk to Krys Gadd or myself.
On 1st March ‘Gather25’ is planned, see Gather25 | 25-hour Global Christian Conference in 2025 described as using the technology we have to Gather, inspire, share stories of the whole church around the world so that we can commit ourselves again to live the Great Commission and see Jesus everywhere. There are 7 areas from where worship, prayer and stories will be broadcast. These include the UK, Romania, Malaysia, Rwanda as well as an 8th area hosted by the Persecuted church around the world. I will share more information tomorrow and on a separate email but for now put 1st March in your diary (afternoon into evening)! As well as the livestream we hope to have some live worship/prayer/art in the building as well as a Movement and prayer workshop praying in a new way for the year ahead. Do get in touch of you have a thought/idea/can help.
Also, aimed at those aged 13ish to 35ish or anyone with a heart for this age group including friends, youth and children’s leaders, teachers, parents, grandparents you might want to join us in ‘TheSend’. It’s happening across the UK, 5 regions; Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Northern England and Southern England, similar to Gather25 with worship, prayer, inspiration and commissioning. The big gathering for Northern England is at Leeds Arena on 22nd November and we have been invited to go to our nearest local pre-event prayer/worship hub (they are happening all over the region) at North Church on 8th May. More information to come in the next two weeks.
Also, a reminder that all those who lead by playing/singing worship at any point throughout the week are invited to breakfast on 15th Feb at the carvery in Chapel A to hang out/share at 9.30am. Each week there are different groups/bands so it would be great to spend some time altogether. There will be a Tech team breakfast on 8th March 9.30am.
All our groups are running as usual this week. Do check with Lesley, the group leaders or myself if you have questions and check out the website
“My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples” (Isaiah 56:7)
In Christ