Fresh Streams 2024 – discipleship in theory and in the real world

I’d never been to this part of the country before but Swanwick, just a dozen or so miles from the M1 in deepest Derbyshire is a gem. Set in acres of rolling countryside The Hayes Conference Centre has a gym, two lakes, ensuite accomodation for almost 400 delegates, four large conference rooms, over 20 meeting rooms, 2 resident artists and enough fabulous food to sit everyone down at one time and you’ll soon understand why I’m so enthusiastic. 

Looking through the conference programme is another matter; over three days there were five two hour worship and teaching sessions, sixteen what they called Digging Deeper seminars and enough additional odds and sods to keep you on your toes from the moment your feet touched the ground, from 7.30am until almost 10pm. 

There were four of us there from Moortown: Shelley, Karen, Rachel and I, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it – not sure if that’s the appropriate word but it seems to fit.

The opening “lecture” was given by Lynn Green of the BU and right from the start she emphasised time and again how in a time of generational change we should be more adventerous and be prepared to take more risks… bring it on! From then on working through four vastly different titles, four vastly different presenters concentrated in one way or another on the common theme of divergence.

The five conference lectures were broadcast live on YouTube (just as our Sunday Services are) and are available by going to YouTube and searching for Fresh Streams 2024. However, if you haven’t the time to take all that in please try and remember that as it says in the conference brochure “Our desire is to be a movement informed by the Word and inspired by the Spirit to speak peacefully in a world of violence, truthfully in a world of lies, courageously in a world of fear, compassionately in a world of hate and hopefully in a world of turbulance.”  

Amen to that. 

Shelley’s message for 14 Jan

We look forward to welcoming Tim from caring for life tomorrow to share with us in worship and speak, at 11am in the building and online. There will be a group for our younger friends during part of the service. Rock solid group for our young people will start again in the evening 7-8pm in the building. 
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Rachel, two deacons (Karen and John) and myself will be at a leadership conference we look forward to catching up with you all and sharing in our service next week when we are back. I’ll be on my mobile and emails for urgent matters. Otherwise, contact Lesley our administrator who is in the office Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning or one of the deacons . Lunch club will go ahead lead by volunteer leads, John and Sue, supported by our brilliant volunteers. Beacon will take place with Rod (deacon) being the lead, supported by again a team of great volunteers, with Lesley and Mandy helping with the food pantry. 
On Friday 19th January I ask you to pray for Tricia and her family and the friends of her husband Ralph as it will be Ralph’s funeral on that day. If you want to know details about the service do contact myself, Lesley, Karen (deacon), Diane (deacon) or Tricia herself. 
A few new dates for you..
Next deacons meeting is Tuesday 23rd January 
Next Wednesday worship is Wednesday 24th January 
Next cafe church is Sunday 4th February 
There will be a pastoral team meet up after church with lunch on Sunday 11th February. More details to come. 
Next whole church meeting is Tuesday 27th February. 
Let’s continue to pray for Gaza. There is so much that we don’t have words for but let’s keep holding them in our prayers and look for wisdom and what we can do with Gods help. 
A few weeks into our new year, let’s keep looking at what God is seeing us and our community at moortown doing and pray for all those who lead us. 
I share a prayer from the Lectio app from 24/7 prayer who have had a series on ‘rewilding’ this week. 
God of the wild, in this new season I invite You to shape my soul with Your words and inspire my life through Your works. Show me where I’m clinging to comfort and lead me into greater wonder today.
 I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. 
Psalm 62:1-2 (NLT) 
In Christ 

Thoughts and prayers – by Jane Coates

The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.” Psalm 91 v 14 NLT

The Maji followed God’s leading by signs, star, and dream. They had ignored the disquieting voices in their heads and around them, that may have told them that they were unwise to undertake their long journey. But their instincts, the quiet prompting of God, and their research, told them to follow the rising, leading star.

After finding the infant, and in response to a dream, they were guided to find a new way home, avoiding a return to Herod’s palace. This new journey would be without the comfort of the leading star but God, in His mercy, gave His protection and safety to the Maji. They trusted and followed the dream’s instruction and the guidance of God. They returned to their own country by another route because God had warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod. Matthew 2 v 12 Protection, safety, and grace were likewise given to Joseph, Mary, and the child Jesus.

Being warned in a dream to escape from Herod and his anger, the family escaped to Egypt, leaving hurriedly, in the middle of the night, remaining there as strangers, and refugees in a foreign land, because Herod’s clear intention was to search for and destroy the child. Rescue, protection, and safety were key.

When they (the Mai) had gone, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream. He said, “Get up. Take the young Child and His mother to the country of Egypt. Go as fast as you can! Stay there until you hear from Me. Herod is going to look for the young Child to kill Him.” During the night he got up and left with the young Child and His mother for Egypt. Matthew 2 v 13-14 NLT

Two years later, and once again instructed in a dream, Joseph with Mary, and Jesus, returned to their homeland of Israel. Then again, warned by God in a dream, and with Joseph’s great wisdom and discernment, knowing that Herod Archelaus was now ruling in place of his father Herod the Great, and realising that Jesus could still be in danger, Joseph took his young family, to Nazareth, in the region of Galilee. Nazarenes were often treated with suspicion and caution by other Jews. Jesus was once called ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ in an insulting, derogatory way. But this move would perhaps keep Jesus safe. Then, after being warned in a dream, he left for the region of Galilee. 

So, the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled what the prophets had said: “He will be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2 v22-23 NLT

Protection, safety, security, care, and certainty. God’s safe keeping is for those who trust in the name of the Lord. We may not have dreams, or hear angel voices, but may we lean into Him daily to discern His direction and know his presence with us each day of this new year.

There is no going back-only forward by a new way, a new path, a new road. Not a star, but Jesus is the light for that new path.

There is no reversing this road. The path that bore you here goes in one direction only, every step drawing you down a way by which you will not return.

You thought arrival was everything, that your entire journey
ended with kneeling in the place you had spent all to find. When you laid down your gift, release came with such ease, your treasure tumbling from your hands in awe and benediction.

Now the knowledge of your leaving comes like a stone laid over your heart, the familiar path closed and not even the solace of a star to guide your way.

You will set out in fear. You will set out in dream. But you will set out by that other road that lies in shadow and in dark.

We cannot show you the route that will take you home; that way is yours and will be found in the walking. But we tell you, you will wonder at how the light you thought you had left behind goes with you, spilling from your empty hands, shimmering beneath your homeward feet, illuminating the road with every step you take.

Jan Richardson from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons © Jan Richardson from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons. Used by permission.

Full steam ahead for a new year – Shelley

Dear friends

Sending you all greetings at the start of the New Year!

It has been great to journey with so many of you through Advent and Christmas in some way.  Thank you for welcoming so many people to the building during this season whether that be in a service, a café, a youth group, a communion or somewhere else.  I know we have missed some of you due to ill health, travel to see family and friends or other commitments and we do send love to you from the leadership team, staff, and myself.  We have an active pastoral and prayer team so do stay connected with others and look out for those who may need some encouragement.

Next week many of the regular activities begin again.  Tomorrow, we meet in the building and online at 11am for café church when we look at another aspect of the journey of the stargazers as they travel to find Jesus.  Last Sunday we looked in the book of Matthew, Chapter 2 at the word ‘after’, a question and a sign.  There was an ‘after’ to the nativity story and that ‘after’ includes all of us.  This week we find the visitors from the East choose to follow the star, as was their rhythm and vision, despite the possible dangers.  What do we choose to follow?  What is our rhythm?  Where will that rhythm take us as individuals and as a church?

Other days to make a note of (maybe in a new diary?)…

Sunday 7-8pm Rock solid for youth in the building

Monday 10-12midday Beacon warm welcome café

Tuesday 10-11.30am Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers

Tuesday 7.30pm Deacons and Shelley new year prayer and planning meeting in the building.. dates for next few church meetings to be set.  

Wednesday Lunch club for all those who are booked to go and for the team of volunteers.  Talk to Rachel Beedle for more information.

Wednesday 7.30pm House group in church.  See Ruth and Andy Berry or Shelley for more information.

Thursday 2-4pm craft group and warm welcome space in the building.  Talk to Karen Ross or Diane Sunter for more information.

There are also housegroups on Tuesday afternoon (talk to Rod Russell), fortnightly on a Wednesday (see Diane Sunter), Friday morning (see Robert and Carol Owen) and Friday evening (talk to Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk).  Do check with them or with Lesley Murphy, who works in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday mornings for confirmation on when these groups start this weekNext Sunday, 14th January, we welcome friends from Caring for Life who will be leading our service.  The service will start at 11am as usual.   There will be a group for our younger friends during part of the service.

On Sunday 21st January we will share communion together as part of our service.

Lesley sent an email out this week about whether you would like to read or lead prayer on a Sunday.  If you feel you’d like to be involved then do let Lesley, a deacon or I know.  We are all different and bring something unique when God speaks through us so do have a chat if its something you feel God is saying to you.  There will be opportunities for training and support in the new year in different aspects of ministry so if you do have something in your mind, even if it’s not clear, then let’s start a conversation.  The key thing to start with is the heart behind what we do (1 Corinthians 13).

As we meet again, you’ll see the building has already started to be tidied after Christmas.  Thanks to those who took down the decorations this week.  I love the decorations but when they go down it makes you look afresh at the space; there seems to be more space again. Sometimes taking the decorations down highlights some of the areas that need attention.  I pray that we look at the spaces that God has given us with our physical and spiritual eyes.  Who are we making room for?  What spaces need to be tidied or fixed?  Which spaces do we need to pray over?  Who and what do we need to thank God for in those spaces?  You may have more questions..

As we approach a Sabbath day, lets encourage each other to have space just to be and to wonder…

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:1

See you soon

In Christ



Moortown Baptist Church

Into the New Year, by Jane Coates

As we take our first, few steps into this new year, we cannot know what 2024 will hold for us. There may be unexpected joys or trials, new challenges begun, or opportunities missed, dreams realized, or ambitions and hopes lost, new friendships begun, or familiar traditions lost. It may be a blessing and a grace that we cannot know the details as the year unfolds before us. We are asked only to step forward in faith, one step at a time. I am reminded of the accounts of the Maji, who stepped out on their long and uncertain journey, to find the promised child. The routes and resting places of their journey would be unfamiliar, hazardous at times, and strange. Their journey, with its distances, cost, risks, and the uncertainty of success, was perhaps their daily reality and challenge. There would be moments of confusion. At Herod’s palace, the Maji failed to find the expected One, although the star was still present. But despite the hardships, the unexpected, and the uncertainties, they kept travelling towards the child. 

When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising.  

Matthew 2 v 9 RSV 

I love the blessing written by Jan Richardson. I have copied the opening section of it here but please do find and read the whole poem. 

A Blessing for Epiphany “For Those Who Have Far to Travel” © Jan Richardson from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons. Used by permission. 

If you could see the journey whole, you might never undertake it; might never dare the first step that propels you from the place
you have known toward the place you know not. 

Call it one of the mercies of the road: that we see it only by stages as it opens before us, as it comes into our keeping step by single step. 

So, as we embark on this new year, may we be guided by wisdom, courage, and compassion. Let us cherish the joys, learn from the trials, and remain open to the countless possibilities that await us. May we take each step with intention and grace, and may our journey be filled with love, grace, growth, and new possibilities. 

“The road is revealed by turns you could not have foreseen.” Jane Richardson 


Happy New Year

As 2023 breaks over into 2024 everyone here at MBC really does send you the compliments of the season. 

As last Sunday’s service continued to show we are a church on the move. Whether that be to becoming a more independent church, a more community minded church or whatever few, if any, would dare deny we are definitely on the move.

So let’s keep up this momentum and hand in hand with God let’s see in which direction He sees us going, and who in particular He wants us to help.   

Christingle 2023

It only happens once a year but that sweet scent of oranges mixed with the general giddiness of the final build up to Christmas can only mean one thing… CHRISTINGLE.  Here are a few pictures from 2023. 

Nativity 2023

Last week MBC held its rather unusual Nativity Service. Readings, prayers, carols and a fair bit of ham acting made up the perfect mix of humility and hope.   


Shelley’s Christmas message

Dear friends

It was great to hear this week that the Warm spaces project has won the award for project of the year in the Leeds Compassionate City Awards 2023.  As a registered warm space for over a year, MBC are part of this.  Thanks to all of you for making the spaces warm and welcoming through financial support, food, organisation or simply being there.  Next year the Owl Award will go on tour going to every warm space as a thank you from the City Council.

“It’s great that we can celebrate the achievements of so many third and faith sector groups coming together to offer safe, warm and welcoming spaces to the communities you are part of. 

At the moment, our award (as pictured) is ‘perched’ at Stringer House in Hunslet, but VAL (Voluntary Action Leeds) do not want to hold onto this all year, as it was your hard work that made this project. So next year it will go ‘on tour’ as a small thank you”

This week the food hampers made up with food and toiletries that you gave, have all been made up and given out to those who come to us for help in the week, regular users of the food pantry and to those who may value a package at this time.  Some of these have been kindly taken directly to homes or hospital.  Thanks again to all of you for your generosity and the small team who made up the hampers.  One man was incredibly moved by the gesture and told us that he never received anything like this before.  As some of the hampers were being given out at Beacon café we were approached by members of a local food charity who collect excess food from M & S.  They gave away fresh bread and pastries and have asked if they can come back every Monday. 

2 Corinthians 9:7 comes to mind…

“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

We are thankful to God for all the good things he is giving from those who are part of the church and our wider communities. 

There will be no Beacon café next week, instead there will be a new year cafe on Wednesday 3rd January 10-12.  Then it will resume as usual on Mondays from Monday 8th January.

This week was the lunch club Christmas dinner.  Thanks to all who prepared, led and ate! The next lunch club takes place on Wednesday 10th January.

Christmas Craft group welcome space was very much enjoyed today.  They will also be having a break this week.

It’s been great to see many of you at the Christmas services including a fantastic cast of all ages in our nativity, from busy innkeepers, stately wise people, friendly shepherds and lively sheep! Those who were there may have noticed that Eunice became unwell and she has asked me to say that she has been checked over and is recovering well.  Thanks to those who helped.

Other dates to remember..

December 24th Christmas Eve All age Carols and Christingle service at 4.30pm.  (Rock Solid are meeting at 2.30pm on the 24th to make Christingles and share food!)

December 25th Christmas Day together at the slightly earlier time of 10.30am. 

(Both these services will last between 45 minutes and an hour)

December 31st 11am all age new year service

January 7th 11am café church

January 8th Beacon welcome space 10-12midday…

All groups are back this week.

January 14th 11am service (with a group for our younger friends) welcoming Tim Parkinson from Caring for Life to share a message with us.

Do keep an eye on the website which is regularly updated and also the facebook page regularly sends out reminders, thoughts and news!

Finally I want to share a picture painted by Kelly Latimore called ‘Christ in the Rubble’ (it’s in the block below together with the “touring” owl trophy). It is based on a recent message from Rev Doctor Munther Isaac, the Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem when he described Jesus as being ‘in the rubble in Gaza’ with all those who suffer.  You may have seen the nativity scene in his church, now featured on news channels, a mound of rubble with a doll representing baby Jesus lying amongst it.  There is much to think about here and to pray about.  Actions may come from it. The artist and the organisation Red Letter Christians (who supported the artist) hope that the picture will increase dialogue amongst Christians all over the world about our beliefs and actions can bring about peace. For more information about the painting and the inspiration behind it or about the organisation, follow the link here Rev Munther Isaac will be holding a short service at 6pm Bethlehem time tomorrow, 23rd December.  The UK is 2 hours behind Bethlehem so that will be 4pm for us.  It is being streamed around the world and one way to join in is to click the link on the Red Letter Christians website at 4pm tomorrow. Many of us feel helpless but let’s keep praying and focusing on Jesus as we lift this area of the world to God, along with Ukraine and all places of where there is war.    

Praying for comfort and joy for you and your family and all those you love and think about this Christmas.  Thanking God that he is not distant but He is right in the heart of all we are and do, Immanuel, God with us.

“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us” (Matthew 1:23)

In Christ


Shelley Dring
Moortown Baptist Church


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