Our BMS Mission Partners in the Covid -19 Crisis

As we share new experiences of Christian living and of how God is working in the Coronavirus crisis in the UK, it is good to widen our vision and recognise that this is a global issue. We have recently been in direct contact with our BMS Mission Partners in France and in Chad who have shared some of their experience.

First John and Sue Wilson in Paris where they pastor the Avenue du Maine Baptist Church, have many similar experiences to ours as France continues in strict lockdown. The church building has had to close and their majority older congregation are often less tech connected, so that each Sunday John sends out by email (which most have) an Order of Service with pauses indicating the relevant moments when “someone will speak, read, or share prayers”. This is not ideal but John says that it looks like public gatherings will not be allowed in France until mid-July, so that ,even though some will return to work on 11th May, churches will remain firmly closed for the foreseeable future. A further issue is that the Church’s regular help to the homeless and poor is severely restricted.

Both John and Sue have themselves had bad bouts of the virus and had to isolate for lengthy periods – though happily they are now much recovered. Like us they are in much more regular contact with their adult children and thankful for that.

Please pray for their health; for finding new ways to keep the church together; and for those who depend on the church spiritually and practically.

Second Mark and Andrea Hotchkin in Chad where they are 2 of only 4 doctors in Bardai – a remote outpost in the northern Tibesti region near to the Libyan border. Their experience has been very different.

As the UK and most of Europe was going into lockdown Mark and Andrea sent a graphic account of how they had to “make room for the unexpected” when up to 20 badly injured soldiers were brought in after a 300km drive from a battle on the frontier. They spent a week dealing with bullet wounds and desperate injuries with head torches and no operating lamps. This really is the frontline of surgery.

There have been very few cases of Covid -19 registered in Chad so far, but the Government has called for a serious lockdown. This might work in cities like N’djamena but in the remote north the local people feel it does not yet concern them. Some schools remain open and on a recent Saturday “ a big wedding took place – with people coming in dozens across the officially – closed border “  Mark and Andrea have been producing leaflets to explain the dangers of a pandemic and a brief film to pass round on mobile phones. They work in the hospital with home – made surgical masks and limited hand-washing facilities and with all the regular medical and surgical cases continuing.

The Hotchkins are due to be on Home Leave in the summer and to visit MBC in September. However, they have put this on hold at present – volunteering to stay on as they want to help when the pandemic really strikes in their area. They clearly are missing their adult daughters in the UK but feel God has placed them in Bardai at this time.

Please pray for their safety; for success of the health education about the virus; that coronavirus may not spread further in Chad; and for their daughters Ruth and Rebecca.


BMS has mission personnel around the world facing situations like these. The churches they work with are our brothers and sisters in Christ and their self-giving is an amazing testimony to the love of Christ.

Please remember them in your prayers and – whilst some of our usual ways of supporting BMS financially through the church cannot function at present – perhaps you could send help directly to BMS either:

  • By card via the website bmsworldmission.org
  • Or by Bank Transfer to BMS World Mission Sort Code 20-01-25 Acc no 40132322
  • Or by cheque to BMS World Mission

PO Box 49, 129 Broadway

Didcot OX11 8XA

Thank You


As James Wilde moves on here’s a chance to show our appreciation

You will have heard the news this week that James Wilde is finishing his Pioneer Youth Lead role with us. On behalf of the whole church we are very grateful to James for all he has done in his time with us and for the relationships he has built with young people, families and team.

James will finish at the end of April. We will have a chance to express our thanks in at least two ways: Firstly, by getting in touch with James himself, and secondly by giving a gift to church marked for James. There’s obviously no immediate hurry to giving your gift but if you would like to do it now Paul Smith, our Treasurer, suggests that perhaps the easiest way of doing this is electronically using the reference “For James Wilde” to Account: Moortown Baptist Church, Sort Code: 05-01-26, Account number: 56170642

When this lock down is over we shall of course be putting on a special fun event for everyone to show their appreciation to James. In the meantime, however, James will be taking part in the church at Home service on Sunday 29th April.


Shona, Graham and Leadership Team

National Tea Day, join us for Oasis at 11am tomorrow and don’t forget to bring your teddy

Tomorrow, Tuesday 21 April, is National Tea Day therefore this week both  Oasis Live and Thursday morning’s Moortots are using the pleasure of coming together and sharing as their theme.  We are linking this to Jesus’ liking for eating and drinking with his friends.

Both Oasis Live and Moortots start at 11am, last for 20 mins and are streamed live at www.facebook.com/moortots

On Tuesday we’ll also be making a cake so don’t forget to have your teddy handy and on Thursday we’ll be continuing our tea party theme by making Mad Hatter head wear. 

However, also on Tuesday but a bit later on, at 3 o’clock we are inviting everyone to sit down, relax and join us for afternoon tea. Just one request though, as you and teddy, if he’s still awake, are sipping your tea and munching your home made buns we’d like you to take a picture (selfies encouraged) and either send it in via the Message link on the Facebook page or by email to mbcnewspics@gmail.com

Thanks a lot, we look forward to you and teddy joining us for all our special events and of course to receiving your pictures.


Past – Present – Future: MBC’s newspics venture helps us “chat” with our friends

Email: mbcnewspics@gmail.com

Every Sunday following our Church at Home services we post on our website and on Facebook a short picture story designed to give you a flavour of what the service contained. It also of course includes the links you need to watch the whole broadcast again. 

However, one thing that has struck us is that as valuable as this is proving to be it is nevertheless something that only looks back – albeit maybe only an hour or so. That’s why starting this weekend we are broadening the scope of this post by adding to it a new feature with the working title Past – Present – Future which in plain English simply means adding the here now and next week to what’s just gone.

What do we mean? OK no one can deny that right now we are all living very different lives to those we had even a couple a months ago, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped living. For example I know of one couple who next Tuesday should be flying off to Spain for a week, obviously this isn’t going to happen but the fact that they will still be in Leeds won’t be stopping them cooking up an extra special paella and cracking open a bottle of Rioja. Some other friends are soon to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary which means that next Saturday instead of clearing the decks and firing up the barbecue they are hosting a family and friends Zoom party. But even if you haven’t had to cross a  big date from your diary how about telling us all about some of those new projects and/or hobbies you have either started or gone back to. Oh and of course you could maybe even share something about how your Home Group is meeting during the lock down, or how you yourself are staying in touch with friends.

I’ll admit that none of this is going to change the face of the world, but that’s not the idea. No, what we want is for you to share with your MBC friends and family the everyday things that you chat about at the end of a regular Sunday while drinking your coffee. 

To enable you to do this we have set up a special email account called mbcnewspics@gmail.com and it’s to here that we would like you send anything (within reason) that you’d like to share.

Finally, another couple of possibilities for you to mull over. As this coming Wednesday marks the 65th anniversary of the formation of Moortown Baptist Church one suggestion to those of us that have been around a while is to think back and share some of your memories. Another might be for Spring Harvest regulars, sadly very different this year, to do the same and show and tell some of your recollections or better still, if you have been to Spring Harvest On-Line to tell us all about it.

We look forward to hearing from you. 




Shona and Tom join BU President Ken Benjamin for special online prayer broadcast

Throughout this time of lock down, each Wednesday and Sunday evening the Baptist Union is offering us all a specific time to come together for prayer.

Their prayer broadcasts are available live at 7pm via the BU (Baptists Together) website and of course as they are recorded afterwards at any time. 

Last Wednesday BU President Ken Benjamin led the twenty minute session and joining him from their home in Leeds were Shona and Tom Shaw who together unpacked the story of “doubting” Thomas as told in the fourth gospel (John: chapter 20, verses 24 to 29) before leading prayers of intercession.    

You can see Shona and Tom’s contribution as well as all the other posts in the series by going to https://www.baptist.org.uk/Groups/338268/Prayer_broadcasts.aspx

Christ is risen… MBC’s very own Hallelujah Chorus

In the week leading up until Easter Sunday we asked our church family to record a short video of themselves welcoming Easter, and one another – here’s the result.

Unfortunately a few people missed the production deadline for our video so we have included them here. https://youtu.be/ttZ_KDZCmXw  

And finally for no other reason than no matter how hard we tried we couldn’t get Jane’s, Sam and Phil’s video to download properly here’s their very own contribution https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZEYNRBWxIyFEwTpwHU_wCUpPO7IyjhxK/view?usp=sharing

Important News on Youth at MBC

Dear Church family.

We would like to share with you some important news regarding the youth ministry at Moortown Baptist Church.

Ordinarily we would share news together in our Sunday gathering but due to the current circumstances we are unable to do this. Please take a moment to watch the following clip (the link is at the bottom of this article) so that James can share in his own words his thoughts on the last 6 months.

James is well and currently in Middlesbrough staying with his parents, he can be contacted by email or phone.

Shona, Graham and Phil Laws (Youth Deacon) have worked closely with James throughout the process leading to this decision.

The Youth Team are working well together on our current programme during the Covid lock down. We are maintaining strong contacts with our young people and developing groups for contact, support, Bible study and discipleship.

Yours in Christ

MBC, Leadership Team, Shona Shaw and Graham Brownlee




Christ is Risen – watch our Easter Day Service in full here

If you missed any part of our Easter Sunday Service or you would like to see it again you can here. The first link is to the opening, the second is to the pre-recorded You Tube material and the third is to our Communion Service.

Once again the Service was made up of contributions from across the whole MBC family including: Cas, Ben, the Etheves, Shelley, Abi and Sam and the Yamoah family and of course Graham and Margaret. There was also the result of the message hidden in our Easter Egg Hunt  – Happy Easter Everyone.

There was also a wonderful home grown compilation of MBC regulars saying the traditional Easter message: Hallelujah, Christ is Risen, he is risen indeed, hallelujah.




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