Sunday Morning

As you will have seen elsewhere we are now running two services every Sunday morning. A quieter, more reflective time of worship and prayer between 9.30am and 10.15 and then a second service that runs between 10.45am and 12.15pm. 

During this second service we run several Family Church groups and a parent led crèche. There are two children’s groups: Bubbles for children aged 3-5 and Pulse for those in Y1-Y6;  Pulse is further subdivided into three groups Faith Builders, Excavate and Inters. 

The material used in Bubbles is a home grown programme that makes time to share our news, tell bible stories, play games and more often than not make some item of topic related craft.  The material used in Pulse is written by Think:Orange.  This is based around three truths: I need to make wise choices, I can trust God no matter what, and I should treat others the way that I want to be treated. These are taught through 30 Life applications using over 150 bible stories.

We always try to ensure that each session is as enjoyable and engaging as possible whilst never losing sight of the fact that our main aim is to share our love for Jesus with the children.

The mechanics of the groups break down as follows:

Crèche… for the nought to threes

Bubbles… for children aged 3 to 5

Faith Builders… for children aged 5 to 7

Excavate… for children aged 7 to 9

Inters… for children aged 9 to 11

Higher up the age range i.e. for teenagers/Secondary school students/6th formers there are also a number of small groups each of which robustly engage with all issues of everyday lives. 

For more information about any aspect of our Sunday morning children’s or youth work call the church office on 0113 2693750.

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