The second project, the Guni John Project, connects with the child sponsorship scheme.
There was a 10 year-old boy in the first batch of children we looked after who was clearly exceptional. His name was Guni John. After he became a Christian he trained as an evangelist and became highly respected among his own people.
In May 2003 June and Michael arranged for him to visit the UK and many in this congregation remember the emotion of that moment when he stood at the front on that Sunday morning and thanked the church for rescuing him from destitution all those years ago: and then he prayed over us. Wonderful!
After his visit we agreed with him in faith to raise funds to support some of his evangelists to work in the unreached areas near to the Chandraghona Hospital where both June and Michael, and later Philomena Commons had lived.
Thus the Guni John Project was born. Sadly, three years ago Guni John developed a brain tumour and died. Thousands attended the funeral of this remarkable man. He left an outstanding legacy of over 150 churches planted, and some 200 young men and women trained as evangelists and pastors.
Today the Fund supports six of these evangelists and the latest reports from them tell of five churches planted and many conversions and baptisms despite hostile opposition and persecution.