Sunshine, daffodils and cupcakes – Lunch Club serve up a doorstep boost for our Seniors

This Sunday’s Church at Home, like last weeks is being help on Zoom. It begins at 10.30am and by now you should have received the invitation, meeting ID and password.
As part of our Journeying with Jesus theme, today we think about Jesus the builder taking as our text Luke chapter 6 verses 46 to 49. Naturally our chat mat, which you can see above also focusses in on this thread and can we suggest that to get the most from it you need to either download a high quiality version by clicking HERE or pop up to church and help yourself to a paper copy which you will find in the box on the front steps.
Sunday the 28th is of course Shona and Graham’s last day as MBC’s co-ministers so please do all you can to be with us.
Our latest Time out prayers are led by Kate Slater. You will find them below.
Time out is the name we are giving a new initiative which we hope will bring the MBC family together for short periods of prayer and reflection.
However, Time out isn’t meant to be one way – it’s not simply a platform for us to pray and for you to listen. On the contrary it’s something for all of us to share in, whether that be emailing something to us (a reading, a poem or maybe a prayer) or perhaps even recording your own contribution which we can edit into a forthcoming package.
If that’s something you feel comfortable with please email your message or a link to your video file to either Admin@moortownbaptistchurch.onmicrosoft.com or to mbcnewspics@gmail.com
Our first two videos which we posted on January 25th are below.
We hope you enjoy Time out, and also that by coming together at either 12 noon or at 8pm as often as you can you will feel encouraged by a very real sense of connectivity.
At 10.30am on Sunday 21st February we invite you to Zoom in on our new series, Journeying with Jesus. Each Sunday we’ll discover more about Jesus’ life by jumping into a bible passage from the gospels. If you want to read ahead, have a look at the picture slide to see the list of themes that take us all the way through the Spring.
One new way you’ll be able to join in will be to get hold of a ‘bible chat mat’ (see left) that will be available each week in paper form in the car park at church and also HERE on the website and Facebook in electronic form.
The chat mat links to the theme each week and you can use it during the service as well as through the week in your own time. You can use your chat mat to think of questions, have a conversation, doodle, colour and respond in your own unique way.
The first two services will be on zoom with both starting at 10.30am. The first of them (Feb 21) will also include a short Communion Service so do get in touch if you don’t have a zoom code and want to connect in.
It’s always great to have your input so get in touch if you have any thoughts and look out for new opportunities to get involved.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Graham, Shona and Shelley
This morning during Playtime – that’s the name of Moortots’ weekly online broadcast Shelley told us about the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and about how he prepared himself for the events of that first Easter.
She also introduced us to the idea of during Lent each of us spending just a few moments a day making 40 memorable moments. As you can see from the image above these aren’t too strenuous in that they range from making a mini den right through to having an outside picnic and guessing which raindrop will the first to reach the bottom of the window.
Right now there are a supply of these Muddy Church 40 Memorable Moment sheets for you to pick up from a box in the MBC carpark, but if you can’t get up there don’t worry you can always download and print one out by clicking HERE.
The idea is that once each “task” is completed you tick it off by colouring the box in and before you know it Easter will be here.
On Monday February 15th we said farewell to Wilfred Lynn Wyatt, one of MBC’s most loyal and respected servants. Here there is a full video of his Thanksgiving Service.
Since Wilf’s death you have sent in dozens of tributes and memories to and of this remarkable man. These can be viewed in full by visiting the “Your tributes to Wilf” post on our Home News page.
Within the next few days we hope to be able to produce copies of the full Service on DVD. So if you know of anyone who would appreciate a copy, who doesn’t have access to the internet but does have a DVD player would you please email their name and address to mbcnewspics@gmail.com
Since Wilf Wyatt’s death memories of and tributes to this amazing man have been flooding into MBC.
Besides those you see here there are many others, in the main brief expressions of sympathy that have addressed directly to Irene and the family; on their behalf may we say a heartfelt thank you.
The images you see below are pictures that have been created by digitally converting one type of file to another, and whilst they can be enlarged by double clicking on them the conversion process has a somewhat detrimental effect on quality. However, to view a much clearer version simply click HERE
There’s no live stream this morning. However, there is still a full pre-recorded Church at Home programme which focusses on God’s love. This is being introduced by Shelley and can be accessed by either going to https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZIQtirtwcWiRd7qaXw12GuT9Dz36ejN8 or by clicking on the file below.
This Sunday we continue our series of studies on the first chapter of the book of Mark, focussing this time on verses 29 to 39. There’s also chance to create are share your own very special hug.
Our live stream welcome begins at 10.45am and you can join us for that by either clicking HERE or going to facebook.com/moortownbaptistchurch
Following the live stream we invite you to switch over to our YouTube programme, the link to which is either HERE or at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZIQtirtwcWgOXWeEcM0oeoJk1bcRbWm-